How to get a server
I wan''t to make an online game so if people should be able to play it they need to connect to a server but since I probably won''t get a publisher there is no way I can get a server.
Does anyone know a solution for this for example if it is possible to get a place on a server in exchange for ads and other stuff.
That''s a pretty hard problem, and the best idea I''ve come up with so far would be to hire a webserver from a company ( is one example) and make an agreement with them, and then pay for their administration of it. This will cost pretty much less than setting up your own server and a line out.
Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
You can get a server from for a mud for something like $15 a month. Not to bad... that is where my mud will go when it is done
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You are not a real programmer until you end all your sentences with semicolons; (c) 2000 ROAD Programming
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No one implied that you were making "a mud." However, if you wish to get a server for the purposes of running an online game on it, and you don''t want to bleed funds at the same level as a "business web server", you should check out places that lease out servers for MUDs. Those places have already put some thought into the concept of running games on their servers, so you don''t have to worry about confusing them.
Most places that lease servers only do so to businesses who are setting up web pages, possibly with a "shopping cart" of some sort, and their price packages reflect this. And their sales people are dreadfully unprepared for questions about running games. They have no clue about leasing servers to run games on them.
Thus, if you want to find a relatively inexpensive server to run a multi-player online game on, investigate MUD hosting sites.
A couple to get you started:
Samu Games
Most places that lease servers only do so to businesses who are setting up web pages, possibly with a "shopping cart" of some sort, and their price packages reflect this. And their sales people are dreadfully unprepared for questions about running games. They have no clue about leasing servers to run games on them.
Thus, if you want to find a relatively inexpensive server to run a multi-player online game on, investigate MUD hosting sites.
A couple to get you started:
Samu Games
Here is how I''m thinking of doing it.
First you need a little bit of web space whos location will change infrequently or never. On this space you put a page listing the location of a directory server.
Second you need a directory server which is a simple application that other services register their location with and you need atleast one person with an "always on" reliable network connection to run this app. If your game has potential, I don''t think it would be hard to find someone to run this app for free because it wouldn''t take much resources.
Your real game server would start up and look up the address of the directory server on the web page and register its location with that directory server. This server could run on any machine and wouldn''t need to be hosted by a costly service provider. Hopefully your game can run on a typical computer and fun enough that people will set up servers for you.
Clients would look up the server location by following similar steps.
- Brad Pickering
Home for organically grown games
First you need a little bit of web space whos location will change infrequently or never. On this space you put a page listing the location of a directory server.
Second you need a directory server which is a simple application that other services register their location with and you need atleast one person with an "always on" reliable network connection to run this app. If your game has potential, I don''t think it would be hard to find someone to run this app for free because it wouldn''t take much resources.
Your real game server would start up and look up the address of the directory server on the web page and register its location with that directory server. This server could run on any machine and wouldn''t need to be hosted by a costly service provider. Hopefully your game can run on a typical computer and fun enough that people will set up servers for you.
Clients would look up the server location by following similar steps.
- Brad Pickering
Home for organically grown games
- Brad Pickering for organically grown games
Alternatively, do what a lot of people I know do.... get either an ADSL connection or a cable modem, and host yourself. If you have the knowledge to write a (good) networked game, you shouldn''t have any trouble putting a server up. If you don''t want to pay for a static IP address, you can always use someone like for dynamic DNS. And hey - this way you have an excuse to get high speed internet in your home! ;-)
for about $20 a month you get 6GB transfer per month, 300 MB diskspace.
You get mySQL database access and you can run CGI-BINs (perl, c++).
Now... you could probably run your c++ program off this account, except it''ll be shared with loads of other clients on the server.
You could always lease a dedicated server from them.
There are tons of other vendors from will host.
Some offer cheaper rates.
make sure that you > REGISTER YOUR OWN DOMAIN NAME <. Dont make use of the free domain-registration. They keep the names for themselves and you might have hastles if you move servers.
The above URL compares most hosting services.
If you dont need a dedicated server, it''d be possible to use HTTP to transfer XML data to and from gameservers or clients. That way you could use a Cheap-o $20 a month instead of getting a dedicated server.
(Thats what i''m thinking of doing to manage my connection to load and arbitrate game clients: a CGI-Bin that spews out XML data and accepts XML data).
for about $20 a month you get 6GB transfer per month, 300 MB diskspace.
You get mySQL database access and you can run CGI-BINs (perl, c++).
Now... you could probably run your c++ program off this account, except it''ll be shared with loads of other clients on the server.
You could always lease a dedicated server from them.
There are tons of other vendors from will host.
Some offer cheaper rates.
make sure that you > REGISTER YOUR OWN DOMAIN NAME <. Dont make use of the free domain-registration. They keep the names for themselves and you might have hastles if you move servers.
The above URL compares most hosting services.
If you dont need a dedicated server, it''d be possible to use HTTP to transfer XML data to and from gameservers or clients. That way you could use a Cheap-o $20 a month instead of getting a dedicated server.
(Thats what i''m thinking of doing to manage my connection to load and arbitrate game clients: a CGI-Bin that spews out XML data and accepts XML data).
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