
Does any one know why Loki Software Inc. is closed?

Started by November 28, 2002 02:27 PM
11 comments, last by Haydel 21 years, 9 months ago
quote: Original post by Haydel
What will be the future of game development for Linux?

Largely inconsequential. Linux has a fairly small audience - minute on the desktop - because the system is not designed to reflect the way users work. And it could be. If users can''t work with your OS, they definitely won''t play with it.

But for those of us who use Linux anyway, there will continue to be unsupported binaries and community-motivated ports, as well as free software. And that''s about it.

Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. *shakes head* Game development
on linux is NOT dead. Comercial distribution of games for the
platform is.

Know what I mean?

Sure, linux isn''t a big market, but the tools and the OS are
free and excellent for game development. I''ve heard of at least
a few companies who develop / debug in linux and produces
games in windows (eg. the guys who made ut2003 if I''m not

Maybe the game development push in linux is aimed in the wrong
way; instead of working to make games FOR linux, we should be
working to provide tools to make linux the development platform
for commercial tools (eg. like what sdl has done to some extent).

If people are already developing on linux, the chances of them
providing a linux client for the few users is -much- larger
I''d imagine.

''course, all this has been said before. Just no one bothered
to mention it...
quote: Original post by DarkHamster
Original post by Haydel
I thought that Loky was the hope of excellent games for Linux. Now that Loky no longer exists. What will be the future of game development for Linux?

I think that for Linux to become a platform for games it first has to become a popular OS in general – and not just among nerds, among medium level users (the type who compose most gamers). Linux then needs to start getting games that are released either before or at the same time as their windows ports.

"There is no dark side of the moon really,
As a matter of fact, its all dark."

ie: Games like Never Winter Knight which apparently has a Windows, Linux and Mac version on the same install CD. Not sure though…

[Cyberdrek | the last true sorcerer | Spirit Mage -]
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