About gentoo''s install taking too long.
It is worth it. If you know the commands and how to do things before hand, installation wouldn''t take that long (you can even download processor specific installs to speed it up so you don''t have to start from complete scratch). If it is unfamiliar to you, it will take longer and require that you jot down some notes on what commands do what (like me). I got gentoo installed in under half a day (looking back I coulda done it in even less time). Downloaded, compiled (over night), and booted into kde on the next morning.
I have only once run into a problem compiling something with the emerge or auto configure commands on gentoo. However the problem was easily solved by changing my environment to use autoconf 2.52 instead 2.19, a simple export command that was given to me by the web.
If downloading and compiling stuff is something you don''t mind, gentoo is for you. They even make it easier than other systems.
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