
Keeping track of previously drawn objects

Started by November 25, 2002 12:45 PM
1 comment, last by NnN 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I have a program that allows the user to draw one line; and when the user trys to draw another line the first one will disappear. How to make my program keep the previously drawn lines? Do I have to use an array (or a linked list) to keep track of all the previously drawn lines? or is there an easier way? Thank you!
Well, easiest thing would be to use a linked-list like you
said. Everytime you draw a line, just put it in the linked

Then in your program''s drawing routine, just clear the
buffer and iterate over all your lines in the list.
Example would be:

typedef struct t_line {
float x;
float y;
byte color[3]; // rgb triplet in 0-255 range
} t_line;

// create a list from this using STL
std::list lineList;

void main() {
// add a line
t_line *newLine = new t_line;

// Set line''s properties here...
newLine->x = 10;
newLine->y = 10;
newLine->color[0] = 255;
newLine->color[1] = 155;
newLine->color[2] = 55;

// add it to the list

Hope this helps...

Gautam N. Lad
--Gautam N. Lad

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