
Microsoft Breakup

Started by April 24, 2000 07:09 PM
46 comments, last by SHilbert 24 years, 10 months ago
What''s everyone think about the MS Breakup? Personally, if they break it up, I think it could do terrible things to the Windows and DirectX SDK''s and all of us programmers. Also, how many of you use Internet Explorer?
What I was really afraid of was the idea of them breaking it into something like 5 different companies, and each one having to write their own operating system. That''s what I heard they were planning to do a while ago. Just think about what could happen to the entire bussines world if the gov. forces MS to split, and the split ruins MS! Consider how many corporations use Windows. Also, I, personally, believe that a semi-monopoly by one company on some aspects of the computer market (such as OS''s) is actually benificial (sic?) to the computing world--it helps standardization. Well...that''s my (probably faulty) 2 cents anyway.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
Im dont care if MS breaks up or not. But the thing that really yanks my chain, is that its being ordered by a bunch of morons in the govt...its rediculous.

Oh, didnt see the second part of your post. IE 5 for the mac is the best web browser i have ever used. If you want to see a cool screen of it, go here. Internet Explorer 5 for macintosh

Edited by - firahs on 4/24/00 8:04:54 PM
this is my question:
what does government care anyway? the company is paying its taxes and that''s all gov''t wants. so just stop ruining other ppl''s lives

- pouya
Despite what a lot of people say, I think that Microsoft is a great company. However, I think the government has reason to break them up. MS is becoming even more powerful than the government themselves!
Yes, I do think Microsoft is a good company. Look what Gates has accomplished!! The only programs that I don''t like from MS is Publisher... now that''s something that should''ve been trashed long ago!

3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Why did the government care about Ma Bell and some oil company I forget the name (two monopolies). They were paying their taxes, and both got their through alot more hard work and legit ways than microsoft. The government cared becuase they thought that they were monopolies, and the consumer would benefit from a breakup.
I don''t see how breaking off Microsoft Office would affect our lives anyway but for the better. Don''t even try to tell me that Microsoft didn''t use their dominance in the OS market to dominate companies like word perfect, borland, netscape, etc. They are attempting to use their dominance in OS to control handheld computers, gaming consoles, etc.
Personally, I want a real choice when I go to purchase something.
As a side note Microsoft is going to be sued by thousands of companies, and their insurance is not going to cover any of it.
Of course it''s fun to rip on ''idiots in gov''t'', but I think that there are some people that really understand this stuff there.

"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
Original post by firahs

Im dont care if MS breaks up or not. But the thing that really yanks my chain, is that its being ordered by a bunch of morons in the govt...its rediculous.

Oh, didnt see the second part of your post. IE 5 for the mac is the best web browser i have ever used. If you want to see a cool screen of it, go here. Internet Explorer 5 for macintosh

Edited by - firahs on 4/24/00 8:04:54 PM

Agreed. Netscape for both Mac and PC suck terribly.
All people that are against Microsoft and their "monopoly" usually say, "We as the consumers want choice in the software, OS, etc. that we buy!" Well, sorry to say it folks, but, IMHO, Microsoft produces some of the best software out there, and the best OS available. Microsoft isn''t that evil This company has created a world with *standards* in which all software and hardware seem to work well with windows. It''s less confusing now than it was back then when programmers had to write tons of code so their applications would work with all the sound cards, video cards, etc. that their potential buyers might own. This is no more. DirectX is beautiful.

Well, enough with my rambling, it''s 12:47 and I''m going to bed.

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
Well generally I''m a MS fan, but I don´t think that MS write the best programs in the world, but one cool aspect about this "monopoly" is, that coding gets easier.
Just think of the new x-box, it uses directx so now we can write code for both PCs and console all at once (:

Also the "com standard" is a very cool feature,
which makes coding much eaiser, just think of DirectX.
We can write code which uses the newest hareware accelration and graphics-effects without having to modify the code
one bit. DirectX takes care of all that crap (:

Standards are cool, just a shame a breakup of MS will kill them.
I don''t think, MS writes good programs.
Win95/98, for example, is too instable.
WinNT is the best operating system MS ever made.

I am not a fan of MS and I''m not a fan of IE.

Charlie McSow /Paradigm Game Design

CharlieGame DesignerRarebyte

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