I'm not sure that your answers are correct, even though I don't have a better one myself.
We're talking about translucency, here. The light is diffused through the material; photons are absorbed and reemitted (I'm not sure that this assertion is correct, but for the purpose of this discussion, it will suffice). Consider:
| |A | B | | vs A | B
A is a light source separated from point B by a block of negligible width. B will obviously receive more light from A in the first case, since the photons emitted from A that are going at 30 degrees of the horizontal might be reemitted in the direction of B when they hit the block.
My point is that, in the original post, height is not modified, but the ratio height/width is. It might have an impact on the solution. It's a pretty complex problem.
[edited by - cedricl on November 19, 2002 8:34:08 PM][edited by - cedricl on November 19, 2002 8:35:57 PM]