
Games Designer/Games Writter What's the Dif!!?

Started by November 07, 2002 09:51 PM
0 comments, last by Kolin32K 22 years, 3 months ago
I''m designing a game i''m thinking up the storyline, location, weapons, vechiles basically everything! i''m also doing sketches. I''ve read actiles saying this is what a designer would do but doesnt a writter do the same? i know this is a stupid question to some vets but it''s stumped me ------------------------------ "I''''m Myself Nothing More" - Kolin32K
------------------------------"I''m Myself Nothing More" - Kolin32K
A game designer works on gameplay elements, as well as things like background, storyline, characters, etc. A game writer focuses purely on storyline, dialog, characters and things of that nature, and doesn''t deal with how the actual game works. So a designer would build levels, tweak game mechanics, and design monsters and the writer would write dialog and develop elements of the plot. Either position may or may not exist at any given game company, companies only started hiring dedicated writers recently, and most of them are from either comics or film. Many companies don''t have a game designer, in the sense of a guy that develops all of the elements of the game by himself on paper and gives that design doc to artists and programmers. Most companies (if not all of them) do have producers, that manage the team and level designers that design levels or maps for the game.

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