
creating a "repeating" world

Started by October 30, 2002 06:52 AM
5 comments, last by Crispy 22 years, 4 months ago
Hi, what I''d like to do is something like this: bbb bab bbb where a is the real world, and b''s are exact copies of it that you can in reality never go into. Whenever you move out of a''s boundaries in any direction, you are placed on the precise opposite location on a''s boundaries, giving a false impression of walking around on a sphere (which is not very useful to implement in this case as it would make ground fog and stuff rather nasty to add). I think I have to look into the stencil buffer here, but I''m not sure. Additionally, how would I go about assuring that the world is drawn properly "n times over" if it''s small enough to see across n times (n > 1)? Hope my explanation of the problem was clear enough... Thanks in advance, Crispy
"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
How exactly is your word stored? Heightmaps? Tiles? Objects with x,y,z coordinates? All of the above? None of the above?
Why don''t you want to make the scene bigger, so you can''t see till the end of it?
We're planning a school project, so it has to be - fast, bugfree and above all simple (as opposed "complex" in the sense of gameplay). The gamefield is basically a height map + an object coordinate map to put some trees and stuff on it. The rest is currently off limits to outsiders. Sorry . However, the idea we have requires the level to be rather small and free of complex (and large) obstacles that would bring in the more difficult collision detection. One idea is to drown the level in fog, but that wouldn't be too cool if there were fog all the time - besides only ground fog would fit in with the concept, but the game involves flying. So I figured, with a little bit of magic we might make the world a tad more confusing and perhaps more unique by mixing in the repetitiveness, especially the visual part of it. It is by no means a must, so if it's dead difficult to implement or would end up eating up to many resources, we can just dump the idea and stick to good old invisble walls and stuff... However - there still remains the idea ...

I've been scouring the web for the past couple of hours, but came up empty - does anyone, perhaps, know a web site that discusses the matter?


EDIT: OMG - just noticed the icon for the original post. Looks just awful - next time must remember not to flap around with the mouse...

[edited by - crispy on October 30, 2002 4:21:17 PM]
"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
Well, first of all, your heightmap MUST tile with iteself, both on x and y. If you do that, that problem is solved, you only need to reclaculate the position of the trees, etc. and render them again, modifing their z (deepth) coordinate.
Mhmh - I''ve been thinking about it for a while now and I guess it seems I''d have to stick to the blandest way of doing things - recalculating and redrawing. This, of course, means that, even with frustum culling enabled, at the worst case I''d have to draw 5 or 6 copies of the level, depending on the fov aspect... Oh well... Any neat optimization tricks would still be welcome - this isn''t such a novel thing that no one''s ever busted their heads on before...

"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared
Does that mean you''ll be able to see yourself if the world is small enough? .
Original post by Anonymous Poster
Does that mean you''ll be able to see yourself if the world is small enough? .

No, actually I was thinking that you and other players are the only things you won''t be able to see although that does pose a sort of a problem when you circle the world and suddenly stuff starts to pop out of nowhere...

On the other hand - one could simply see himself ten times over - that would confuse people alright. Right?


"Literally, it means that Bob is everything you can think of, but not dead; i.e., Bob is a purple-spotted, yellow-striped bumblebee/dragon/pterodactyl hybrid with a voracious addiction to Twix candy bars, but not dead."- kSquared

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