
New OpenGL tutorial + OpenGL init. code

Started by October 28, 2002 08:42 PM
1 comment, last by gregd 22 years, 3 months ago
I wrote a new tutorial (near 10 ms-word pages) on OpenGL explaining how to initialize an OpenGL window or a full-screen application. Base code and detailed explanation of almost everything is included! Get it at (OpenGL tutorial #2) comments are welcome. Thanks for the feedback on previous post. It might have some little bugs but it might not. I tried to make it bug free. It might have them when something goes wrong (can''t initialize something, causing a chain reaction of events), because that can never be properly tested, because everything works right.
Greg Damon
Just getting it up there again so everyone can see. I''d need some feedback on my new GL tutorial, have anyone downloaded the base code? Is it clear enough etc. If it''s not that hard please gimme some feedback!
Greg Damon
I like that you explain what every opengl function does.
What I don't like is that the tutorial is about 60% windows and 40% opengl. It's a 'how to create a opengl window' tutorial and you'r probably focus:ing on this platform so who am I to argue :0

[edited by - nempo on November 5, 2002 11:47:30 AM]
- Jimmy ''nempo'' Karlsson

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