
An emotional experience

Started by October 26, 2002 02:15 AM
39 comments, last by MTT 22 years, 4 months ago
Original post by MTT

How can you truely make the people feel sadness and happyness in a game?

actually this is not a hard task, but you have to approach it differently; by adding emotion we don''t make the game look like a movie or feel like it, emotions in videogames should be part of the interactive experience, and it depends hugely on the story-telling techniques used in the game...

first of all emotions are not limited to things happening in-game, they are not confined to happiness, and sadness. game world atmosphere has a huge effect on how you feel during the game, adding the right enviromental sound effects, and right shade of colours has a huge bearing on how you will feel while you travel this world (mood alteration).

secondly, to enhance story-telling in videogames is a completely different story than movies, you don''t have to use alot of speech and long conversations, let the game enviroment and the events tell the story by themselves, let your actions in the game dictate the story, when you are more envolved in the game, you have a better feel for it, and there is more chance you will feel the emotions your character is experiencing.

in my opinion first-person view is the best perspective for such games, because you look at the world through the eyes and senses of the character, there is so much more potential in FPP in my opinion than just shooting and hiding, and by far goldeneye was the best game to optimize it''s uses to date (something bad,considering that goldeneye was 1998 game)

((work for the world like you will never die, and work fopr the hereafter like you will die tomorrow)) - Prophet Mohammed.
((work for the world like you will never die, and work for the hereafter like you will die tomorrow)) - Prophet Mohammed.

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