Original post by Goragoth
My bad. I''ve been thinking inside the box again, such a common plague these days
Sometimes all you need is a little nudge to see the light (tongue firmly in cheeck
I can see that there are two sides here though, the people that want military action included and those that don''t (at least not much).
I wouldn''t say that. I definitely believe a military is a necessary component of any nation. If was to subscribe to the notion that there are two major camps here, I''d say that one is comprised of players of current RTS games, and they are ebing overly influenced by the primarily military focus of such games, yet intermingled with enough "social micromanagement" as to give the illusion of being politically strategic to the casual observer. The other camp is comprised of people who, whenever they played an RTS (which was rare, along with FPSes, RPGs and the majority of "hit" titles), always asked the question "why can''t I do that?" - and no one ever had a good answer.
...but military dictatorships that harrass other nations should also be possible (although you do want to avoid any player amassing an army and wiping out everyone else).
Avoid, maybe. Prohibit, maybe not. If the other players are dumb enough to let one guy amass enough military force, etc to overpower everyone in the geographical vicinity, then they deserve to lose and start over. And the lack of guarantees is part of what creates constant tension in the game.
Something that should be avoided is a power hirachy where newbies are delegated to menial micro-management tasks, people won''t put up with it.
It should never occur. Every player is a productive entity on a cooperative scale, ie not "a single person sweeping the hall" or running errands, etc. Each player is in a position to provide corporate services and compete with other service providers. So while a newbie may not be wealthy and powerful, he/she is not subservient to any other players either - unless he/she willing decides to submit (military service, for example) to another player.
The system should only report information on the immediate sorroundings (not 1st person style IMHO but more abstracted to mean the city/nation/planet you are positioned in or depending on the scale of the event perhaps...
That, and news feeds from any subscription services you have signed up (and paid!) for.
And now to be annoying again Why do you need strict rules? Same reason why communism and anarchy don''t work. People aren''t inherently good and need rules or things break down.
There are some humans who advocate both communism/socialism and anarchism in real life. If certain players want to try it out in this virtual environment (creating a chaotic state), let them.
Fundamentally, this game embodies the principle of "with power comes responsibility" or "actions have repercussions." We don''t prevent the player from engaging in any action whatsoever, but we don''t prevent (extremely) severe repercussions from occuring either. Grief? You''ll probably be assassinated/decimated by war. PK? Ditto. We don''t care; choose your actions wisely.