
Which book to choose?

Started by April 19, 2000 12:52 PM
7 comments, last by Indeterminatus 24 years, 6 months ago
I want to learn Windowsprogramming using DirectX. Since I''m an absolute beginner I need a reference that tells me how to do that stuff. So, please, can anyone out there tell me which book is best for a beginner? I have quite a good knowledge of DOS programming (concerning the background and the architecture of CPU and so on too), so I don''t need an introduction to Programming in General, but to Programming with Windows and DirectX. Thanks in advance for every suggestion! I have been programming in Turbo Pascal for 5 years. I also have experiences with Delphi, Turbo Assembler and C++. Now I''m trying to improve my Windows-based programming. This is a big change, since I was a DOS-Programmer ;-)
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
How about ''Windows Game programming for dummies''? It is a pretty good book for an introduction to windows programming and it covers some direct x.

hope that helps.
This generally depends on what you''re focusing on. Is it direct x? Then I suggest Inside Direct X or perhaps Tips and Tricks of the windows game programming gurus.
If your focus is on windows programming, then programming windows is one of your best bets.

A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.
A polar bear is a rectangular bear after a coordinate transform.
Look in our Books section for recommendations. I''d suggest LaMothe''s Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus.
Thanks for all suggestion! It helped a lot!
Indeterminatus--si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses--
Both of LaMothe''s books that have been mentioned in earlier posts above are good, but TWGPG is better, as it goes way more in-depth with literally everything than ...For Dummies. They are both good though

If you code it, they will come...

Commander M
Real-Time Rendering by Moller and Haines is an amazing book. I highly recommend it.

Revolver, aka Brian Smith
MIS Programmer Analyst
RealPage >>

My views aren't even mine, much less my employers. =)
Creativity is a bloody nuisance and an evil curse that will see to it that you die from stress and alcohol abuse at a very early age, that you piss off all your friends, break appointments, show up late, and have this strange bohemian urge (you know that decadent laid-back pimp-style way of life). The truly creative people I know all live lousy lives, never have time to see you, don't take care of themselves properly, have weird tastes in women and behave badly. They don't wash and they eat disgusting stuff, they are mentally unstable and are absolutely brilliant. (k10k)
Why do people keep recommending RTR for beginning programmers. It has no windows/directx code and that''s what he was asking for.

"Unintentional death of one civilian by the US is a tragedy; intentional slaughter of a million by Saddam - a statistic." - Unknown
I have to agree. RTR is arguably the most valuable book I own, but it is NOT suited for beginners.

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