quote: Original post by WiseMan
Battlefield 1942 can handle 64 players because it dosen''t support a good weapons''s bullets destination algorythm (??). So some bandwidth is saved and they decided to increase the number of players. What I mean is, play counter-strike, or any other common FPS and then play Battlefield 1942, you''ll see the difference. In Battlefield it is like impossible to kill someone if you compare battlefield to others FPS. Correct me if i''m wrong.
"Oasis is not dead !" - WiseMan
i disagree, the only weapon ive had trouble shooting with is the sniper rifle, but ive improved, bf1942 actually has a pretty advanced bullet collision algorithm, if you are shooting at a target that is far away you must compensate for the time it takes for the bullet to get to the target, they didnt use a inferior bullet detection system and you know that first hand if you played the game before the first patch, lag was horrible, the next patch is going to improve the network code even more
-= kill one your a murderer, kill thousands your a conquerer =-