I programmed a simple OpenGL Applicaton with the help of the OpenGL Basecode.
it is a textured backgraund with a textured box and a rotating text
I use a MSI TI4400.
if a view the application an my pc everythink is ok,
but if I start the application on a pc with a ATI Redean VIVI in it, I get nasty black lines on the right top of the screen.
could some one help my to get this under control??
mfg tom
if you feel like it, post up a demo and I''ll give it a go on my radeon...
You think it is a problem on ATI cards ?
Well in fact I bet it is a problem on NVIDIA cards !
Well in fact I bet it is a problem on NVIDIA cards !
October 16, 2002 04:04 AM
it is a proven fact that nvidia has the best opengl support in the business barred sgi. Not surprising since nvidia was created together with sgi team members. John Carmack himself said that whenever something is wrong in opengl using nvidia cards he assumes he is wrong, when dealing with ati he assumes they are wrong. This should tell you everything.
vincoof, it would be a little odd, if the good beheviour on the nVidia card was wrong, and the bad beheviour on the ATI card was "right"....
I already know what Carmack said and I already know that lots of NVIDIA guys are from SGI whom created OpenGL. I did not say that NVIDIA drivers have bugs, I''m just saying the the NVIDIA behaviour in that case is not OpenGL-compliant whereas ATI behaviour is (if the problem is the one I''m thinking about).
Don''t take for granted that everything NVIDIA makes is the better than ATI. I really don''t like ATI drivers because they have alot of bugs (way more than NVIDIA drivers) but that is not a reason to "blame ATI for whatever they do just by comparing with NVIDIA".
abzithom: what is the graphics driver installed on your machine(s) ? which version of ATI driver and which version of NON-ATI driver ?
Don''t take for granted that everything NVIDIA makes is the better than ATI. I really don''t like ATI drivers because they have alot of bugs (way more than NVIDIA drivers) but that is not a reason to "blame ATI for whatever they do just by comparing with NVIDIA".
abzithom: what is the graphics driver installed on your machine(s) ? which version of ATI driver and which version of NON-ATI driver ?
October 16, 2002 06:08 AM
In this particular case, nVidia is the one to blame for _not_ showing the black lines. The black lines have to to with the GL_CLAMP texture adressing mode, which when implemented to the specs, normally would show the black lines (has something to do with bilinear filtering, which "smears" the black textureborder into the fragment color). Please read the docs for the GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE extension if you want to know more about this issue.
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