
Easy 3D File Format.

Started by April 16, 2000 07:32 PM
2 comments, last by Esap1 24 years, 10 months ago
Is there an easy 3D File format that I can export from 3DS MAX 3.0, and that I can right a Parser for. DXF doesnt look good at all, and the ASC Scene Exporter File format is a little harder that I wanted. All I need are the Normal,Tex Coords,Tex number, and Verts. Dont need colors, or anything extra. Thanks a lot for the Input, later
i had the same problem sometime ago. the best thing to do
is to write your own file format. use the "max script" to
do it. in 2 days i made it all. "max script" is the easiest
language i ever found. you read all the scene objects and
get their vertexes, then you write to a text file everything
you want. that easy.
Well, then could you give me a simple Max Script, or a tutorial that shows how to write one, thanks a lot!
Just recently on there was a link to an xfile exporter. xfiles are really easy to implement if you are using directx. I can assume that you are using D3DX from previous posts so it should work.

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