

Started by April 16, 2000 07:57 AM
1 comment, last by NeoPnoy 24 years, 7 months ago
Ok guys, i just want to say this, i know you all already know this,..NehE''s TuToRiALs iS the BEsT!!! bEgInNer tO aDvAncEd pROgRAMmErs whO doNT knOW hoW to uSe opEnGl wILL bE heLpeD aLoT. onLy tOOk mE aBouT 6 hOUrs tO gET thRouGh TuToRialS 1 thRouGh 9 aND i UndERstANd iT aLL beCause oF nEhE''s reAlly gOod eXplAnAtion aNd hoW hE mAKes hiS tuToRIAls. GooD jOB!! ..leTs PuT oUr ImAgInAtiOn iN wOrK aNd sHoW iT tHrOuGh pRoGrAmMinG...
..leTs PuT oUr ImAgInAtiOn iN wOrK aNd sHoW iT tHrOuGh pRoGrAmMinG...
Well, they are damn good.
And if you can understand 1-9 in 6 hours, then you can understand this in about 2 seconds.
Don''t write with StUpiD CaPItAlS because generally, it pisses people off.

Sorry if your brain sends "pisses you off" signals whenever you something like tHiS.

..leTs PuT oUr ImAgInAtiOn iN wOrK aNd sHoW iT tHrOuGh pRoGrAmMinG...
..leTs PuT oUr ImAgInAtiOn iN wOrK aNd sHoW iT tHrOuGh pRoGrAmMinG...

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