
please tesst my 3d World with built in level editor

Started by October 11, 2002 11:56 AM
4 comments, last by Sashka 22 years, 4 months ago I've added built-in level editor in my 3dWorld. You can now go to an empty world and create your own world. Please take a look at it and tell me what you think! Thanks. [edited by - sashka on October 11, 2002 12:58:24 PM] [edited by - sashka on October 11, 2002 12:59:31 PM]
Nice, this seems familiar to me, did you build on to something that you already had?
can you post the sources of the level editor please ?
Really nice! I like the level editor, it's simple and much easier to use than other level editors =)

My only complaint would be that walking to the other side of the room can take time, and moving the polygons can take time too. Maybe you could make it so if you hold down shift you'll run very fast or something ..

edit: nevermind I just discovered that shift DOES make you run faster.. doh

[edited by - blueEbola on October 12, 2002 11:16:53 PM]
Sashka can you post the source to that game please.
I''m currently downloading it but it would be interesting to see more level editing source on the net.

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"Being mortal is what makes us capable of the impossible"- Akira Toriyama.www.xgameproject.comLive each day like it is your last because that way you'll eventually be right.
The level editor is built-in so I can''t post the source code of
it without posting all code of the game......

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