Font loading in VB
I''m creating an OpenGL program in Visual Basic 6 (SP5), and have come across a weird problem. In my Form_Load code some general init stuff is being done (OpenGL init, pic loading, display list generation, font building etc.). I am using CreateFont and SelectObject to create a font, and then converting it to a display list for OpenGL (as the window is double-buffered). However, when I use wglUseFontOutlines, VB just bombs. No error, no "Access violation", it just exits as if I had click on the X (but without prompting to save or saving settings). Debugging it with Visual C++ shows that "RtlAllocHeap" is killing it, with a dodgy pointer or something.
wglUseFontBitmaps works fine, however I want to use wglUseFontOutlines to simplify drawing code (I am using "buttons" in display lists, and having to use different functions to position raster and vertex based portions is a major headache. Plus, I don''t see an easy way to anti-alias/smooth/whatever bitmaps, however with polys it''s just a matter of using glEnable(GL_POLY_SMOOTH).
Any help welcome. I can send more details on the error, snippets of the source etc if it will help. Some information that I can remember off the top of my head:
CreateFont(size 12, Arial Narrow, Bold, TrueType, ANSI charset)
wglUseFontOutlines(0.0 deviation, 0.0 thickness, polygons, start at 32 and create 96 chars)
*note this is not proper source, just an idea of what params I''m using*
Thank''s again for any help.
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