
terrain generating

Started by October 04, 2002 05:00 AM
0 comments, last by The Wizard Of Oz 22 years, 4 months ago
hi! i''m making a scorch based game in 3D, and i''d like to randomly generate my battlefield but i don''t know how.... could someone please direct me to a web page with some terrain tutorials or give me some ideas? ( i''m not using heightmaps ) thanks in advance follow the yellow brick road
follow the yellow brick road
If you want nice random terrain, generate a big ole flat grid of triangles in the xz plane, and deform them using the technique I describe in

Then when you have the basic technique down, try procedural texturing, improving the deformation (hint: FBM), LOD, etc.

code, pics, life
[size="2"] code, art, life

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