void BuildFont()
// x, y positions of character inside the font
float charX, charY;
// generate display lists
base = glGenLists(100);
// select the font texture
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fontTexture);
for(int loop = 0; loop < 100; loop++)
// find the coordinate of the character we wish to build a quad for
charX = float(loop % 10) / 10;
charY = float(loop / 10) / 10;
// start building a lisplay list for the character selected
glNewList(base + loop, GL_COMPILE);
// begin building the quad
// texture coord for bottom left
glTexCoord2f(charX, 1 - charY - 0.1f);
// quad coord bottom left
glVertex2i(0, 0);
// ----------------------------------
// texture coord bottom right
glTexCoord2f(charX + 0.1f, 1 - charY - 0.1f);
// quad coord bottom right
glVertex2i(10, 0);
// ----------------------------------
// texture coord top right
glTexCoord2f(charX + 0.1f, 1 - charY);
// quad coord top right
glVertex2i(10, 10);
// ----------------------------------
// texture coord top left
glTexCoord2f(charX, 1 - charY);
// quad coord top left
glVertex2i(0, 10);
// finished building the character quad
// move to the right for the next character
glTranslated(10, 0, 0);
// finished building display list
Is my problem related to the fact that OpenGL or my graphics drivers can only load textures with dimentions of powers of 2? or is my code wrong? I haven't had problems with non ^2 textures before with my current card, can anyone suggest anything?
[edited by - sckoobs on October 3, 2002 12:11:27 PM]
Custom Bitmap Fonts
I have been doing tutorial 17 - Texture Fonts and have become stuck.
I am trying to adopt the code to fit a 100x100 pixel bitmap with each character being 10x10 pixels.
I have modified the build font function and is here in full:
October 04, 2002 01:04 AM
all textures in opengl must be powers of two, so 100x100 won''t work,
but 128x128 works. characters can be 10x10, just add black pixels to
your image so it is 128x128.
but 128x128 works. characters can be 10x10, just add black pixels to
your image so it is 128x128.
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