
question about religion in games

Started by October 01, 2002 02:31 AM
40 comments, last by IFooBar 22 years, 2 months ago
Hello ive started a rewrite of an rpg ive been working on for a long time, and this rpg has A LOT of relgious elements in it. what i think most of the churches of the world call blasphemous. is this ok for a game. would this kind of content cause a lot of discomfort or anger or whatever? This game starts at the very beginning, starts from creation, and goes on. and it really twists the bible''s or quran''a creation story inside out. and just for example, god is actually a bad guy! so u guys think this kinda stuff is ok in a game? or do u suggest i change some of it....well i guss most of it?
"I know sometimes I ask stupid questions...but i mean well " [Triple Buffer]|[SCRIPTaGAME]|[My Old Site]
Interactive media is not only a form of entertainment, it is also a form of expression. And if expressing yourself is legal where you live, go for it.

[edited by - Shambles on October 1, 2002 4:10:05 AM]
"Everything has a reason."
I say go for it. I personally am a religious fellow, but I see no problem with a weird religion in entertainment, just so it isn''t too evil, and people don''t for get that it is JUST A GAME.
The best thing to do is make sure you have no links between your in game religions and the real world religions. I.e. something similar looking to a cross or the star of david. Xenogears pulled this off really well which was obviously based on christian beliefs ^^ (though twisted just a tad ^^)
quote: just so it isn''t too evil

what do u mean by too evil?

quote: The best thing to do is make sure you have no links between your in game religions and the real world religions.

yeah I suppose I should try and have the game as unlinkable to real world religeons as possible. (Xenogears amazing game). thanks for your replies so far.

I guess It''s not that big a deal for a game as long as it''s done in such a way. But about xenogears, I heard they weren''t even planning to release it outside of japan because of its religeous issues. But obviously it got released, and thank god for that or i wouldnt be here (game deving i mean) . So there were issues on xenogears before they gave it the go ahead signal. thats what i remember reading somewhere anyway.

"I know sometimes I ask stupid questions...but i mean well "
[Triple Buffer]|[SCRIPTaGAME]|[My Old Site]
I think you can do whateva you want. Evangelion anime has something of that, I don''t know well. I won''t like a game were God is bad, because to me, god is a pretty good guy (infinite I would say)

Do you think God is bad? (if he exist for you)
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
I used to play DnD a lot.

Dealing with the gods and their own issues added a level of responsibility and complexity to the storylines.

As I worked to resolve the game world and real world together, I just resolved in my mind that the real creator of the universe was far above these other gods, and some people might even believe in him, but the ones that have the greatest impact and most political positions in this temporary, magic-rich world refer to these lesser gods for their guidance.

After all, these lesser gods compete for influence and control in the real world, they must have been mortals who cared about the same thing at some point. (Political position and influence, rather than actually being concerned about maintaining the world and its state)

I guess what I'm getting at is this. If your game seems more like a story with characters (the god even being a character) and less like one possible take on how the whole universe is arranged, I don't think you need to be too concerned. I think even a game that lets us explore what life would be like with a bad god might even give us something profound to think about, as long as it doesn't give us an "alternative" way of dealing with our real lives.

[edited by - Waverider on October 1, 2002 11:04:46 AM]
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
quote: Do you think God is bad? (if he exist for you)

No I dont think he''s bad...well not according to my book...well , uh. this is a bad question to ask me...

So I guess I''ll go on then. considering the replies that I got (from which none I disliked )

"I know sometimes I ask stupid questions...but i mean well "
[Triple Buffer]|[SCRIPTaGAME]|[My Old Site]
Personally, I have no problem with religion or religious icons, real or otherwise, used in games as long as it is done in a tasteful and non-descriminatory manner. I myself am currently writing the storyline to a game based on religous themes with strong references to both Roman Catholisism and Satanism. You van PM me if you want details...

But why should religion in games be considered controvertial? As long as it is delt with in the correct manner, wheres the problem? Did anyone have a problem with movies like "End of Days", or "Devils Advocate"? Its the same thing, right?
"End of Days" was a rather pro-God, anti-Devil kind of film. Sure, the Devil bags God but isn't that what the Devil does best? Haven't seen Devil's Advocate but certainly EoD wasn't too blasphemous in my opinion.

Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy on the other hand is a good example of a great story blended with very "controversial" challenges to the traditional Church etc, but it sells worldwide like hotcakes. At least, it sells in Australia like hotcakes so I'm guessing that if something has made it all the way to Australia it was around about 10 years ago everywhere else

EDIT: ps. didn't some US judge deem that computer games are not a valid form of expression and thus are not governed by the freedom of speech thingy?

[edited by - freshya on October 2, 2002 6:01:56 AM]

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