
polygon line intersection test

Started by September 30, 2002 05:45 AM
4 comments, last by spikey82 22 years, 4 months ago
Maybe the question has been asked a dozen time, sorry for that I''m writing a pinball game, and i''ll describe objects in polygons (array with coords). I can detect if a point lies in a polygon, but when the ball has a high speed, it can jump through walls. So i must not check if a point lies in a polygon, but if a line (oldpostitionvector ball, newpositionvector ball) crosses a polygonline. I need: - the exact point of intersection - the two points (which forms a polygon line) the intersectionpoint lies between, so then i can calculate with the dot product the angle. (function has been made already). Can anyone explain it to me as simple as possible?? Thanks in advance, Kind regards, Spikey
-I don''t have a signature :p -
There is literally _loads_ of info on "line-triangle-interstion-tests". Try either GameDev''s search or go to Google.
Did i said "explain as simple plz??"

Oh yes, I did

I don''t get all the "experienced" tutorials. So i''d like to have a good explaination otherwise i didn''t had to post here
-I don''t have a signature :p -
You have to try the intersection between the line segment of the ball, and every line segment of the polygon, one by one.

It''s quite easy, really.
y = ax + b ->First line
y = cx + d ->Second line

ax + b = cx + d
x = (d - b) / (a - c)

Now you check if x is between x0 and x1 for the first line segment, then the second line segment.


If you use bounding spheres for the objects in your game, you can use a ray to sphere test which I have. It also returns a point of intersection.

  //// Ray to sphere collision test// bool Util::RaySphereTest( D3DXVECTOR3* vPofI, const D3DXVECTOR3* vSpherePos, const float fRadius, 								const D3DXVECTOR3* vRayStartPos, const D3DXVECTOR3* vRayEndPos ){	// Ray''s direction	D3DXVECTOR3 vRayNormal = *vRayEndPos - *vRayStartPos;	Normalize( &vRayNormal, &vRayNormal );	// Get distance of a vector from ray origin to sphere''s center pos projected on the ray	D3DXVECTOR3 vRaySphere = *vSpherePos - *vRayStartPos;	float dist = DotProd( &vRaySphere, &vRayNormal );	// Find distance from point of intersection to vector perpendicular to ray and goes through sphere''s 	//	center (that''s the idea anyway)	float disc = (fRadius * fRadius) - (DotProd( &vRaySphere, &vRaySphere ) - (dist * dist) );	if( disc < 0.0f ) 		return false;	// No intersection	// They intersect	if( vPofI )	{		// Find point of intersection		float d = (float)sqrt( disc );		*vPofI = *vRayStartPos + ((dist - d) * vRayNormal);	}	return true;}  
how did u test whether a point is inside a polygon or not ? Did u use the method of angle calculation which checks whether the sum of the angles is 360 or not ? Well... this method applies pretty well for convave polygons but fails in non-cocave ones. Not to mention, angle-calculation method is also very slow.

I''m looking for somone who has tried the line-intersection method and got it to work successfully, specially with the corners of the polygon. Anyone ?

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