

Started by September 25, 2002 09:50 PM
5 comments, last by BlahMaster 22 years, 5 months ago
Technically, this might belong in the story forum, but I feel it has elements of game design. I have not updated my webpage(don''t worry I''m not trying to advertise my webpage) for a very long time due to uncreativity. My webpage stores several nonsensical stories of mine. However, for the past two years I have been thinking about a way to somehow innovate my webpage. In essence, I want it to go into a higher level of weirdness(I like weirdness). I think, I might have come up with a good idea. I welcome any suggestions. Well, after reading a lot of manga(japanese comicbooks) I wanted to do something similar. What do I mean by similar?Basically they come out with a new issue every week or so. At my website instead of storing new stories I will just have a link that will allow you to download a game(program). This game will not be completed, it will be part of a much bigger game. In essence, downloading the game is like getting an issue of a manga. The game will only go to a certain point of the story, then it ends. To play the next part of the game, you have to wait like a week or more when I update the webpage with the next issue(game). Hopefully, I want to leave each issue with suspence so that the player will be eager to get the next issue as soon as possible. ---------------------------------- Here''s the description of the game ---------------------------------- Name: Ubiderumnassum Focus: Make a game that tries to integrate as many different genres together driven by a fairly consistent story. Story: I can''t go into too many details because I have yet to make anything final. However, the most interesting idea I want to implement is trying to create a game that begins as text but through certain events in the world it becomes two dimensional and eventually three dimensional. I want to make something called the "programming room". This room contains machinery that controls the physical laws of the universe. These laws can change even the dimensions of the world. That''s why the game will change to 2D and 3D. Also, I want to mess with the idea of abstraction in the game. When the game is text, it is at it''s highest level of abstraction. For example, I will talk about a tree in the game however I will not use any adjectives to describe the tree. It is the tree. I will not describe any colors or dimensions. Eventually, when they see another tree, it will be no different than the other tree they previous saw. It too will have no descriptions. However when the game becomes 2D, the abstraction begins to dissolve. The trees before become slightly less abstract. They have more distinguishable features.
That sounds like a very interesting concept. It also seems like something completely original. I would love to see what you come up with as an end product.


PS: Ubiderumnassum?
I really like the text-to-2d-to-3d progression, sounds very intriguing. I hope you are able to pull it off, I would definately stick around and check it out every week. I like looking forward to things. Which reminds me, forgot to check this week...
Oh yeah, why is the game named Ubiderumnassum?

I wanted the name of the game to be based off of the name of the world or universe they live in. I came up with Ubiderumnassum. Actually, I came up with this other word, but after telling my roommate about it, I decided against it. He told me that the name of the game sounded like a porno...So anyway we have Ubiderumnassum.

Yeah, I don''t know if I will be able to pull off this project. Right now I am just brainstorming ideas and characters. If this goes well than I might work on Ubiderumnassum. I wouldn''t expect anything to be created until January or so.

However, I am pleased that you guys think that this is very innovative idea.
Sounds Very Cool!!

you could seek to control other dimensions also. I mean, color and sound are still fair game. 5 dimensions to mix and match, just sounds so cool. Id like to see it if you do it.
Sounds interesting. Will you develop a basic game engine that will be common across all three interfaces?

And what was the game name that sounded like a porno title?


Sounds interesting. Will you develop a basic game engine that will be common across all three interfaces?

I was planning to do something like that but I don''t know. I don''t really think there is any real game play in the actual game. It''s just an interactive story with very few gameplay elements. So it would be very easy to do that since there is no real gameplay.

And what was the game name that sounded like a porno title?
Organtonassum(I think)

At this point, I doubt I will ever make Ubiderumnassum. The main reason, is that my writing is poor. Next, I got a feeling that no one will play it. I''ve made some other text games already and very few of my friends liked it. Mainly because they could not get over the fact that it was text. Finally, the project will take a long time to complete. I need a really good incentive to complete a project that could take 2+ years, such as people actually playing it.

The only reason for me to make Ubiderrumnassum would be to entertain myself. Making games to only entertain myself is not bad but I think most of all my games I''ve made have been like that. I need to venture and try to make games that other people will like.

However, I might consider it if anyone likes the game Ubiderumnassum will be based off of. You could think of Ubiderumnassum as another version of this game but more of everything.

That''s the link to the text game. Basically I plan on making the game be of that style. I WILL SAY NOW THAT THE GAME IS VERY NONSENSICAL SO BEWARE!!!!!! I don''t think most people can handle that much nonsense unless they watch a lot of flash animations. If you play it and like it post a reply. If no one replies then I will assume that no one liked it.

Anyway, I have plans to make another game at this point. I''m going to work on it during Christmas vacation.


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