
Better Graphics

Started by September 24, 2002 12:41 PM
3 comments, last by yochai_vb9 22 years, 5 months ago
Hello all! I wonder how you make better graphics I see some games like homeworld for example with excellent graphic but for today it''s bad one and watch for example today''s StarCraft Ghost engine(just for example) or Earth and beyond engine how you make all this stuff looks better I used some time DarkBASIC and it''s graphic is not quite good and if I make small thing in DX it doesn''t look very good Thanks for answering P.S. Anyone knows here GDI in VB? I need some more explain before I start my engine I wanna make sure i know it perfect thanks all!
After the Brood War expansion the three sides in StarCraft were balanced so perfectly you could use them to align pictures on your wall.
moved to beginner forum.
Read your post over. Does it make much sense to you, because it sure didn''t to me.

Anyways, good graphics stem from good models, which stem from good modelling programs like Milkshape, 3dsmax, and Maya. If I find out you stole any of these programs from the net, I will personally kick your ass.

Now, if you are just beginning, don''t start off in 3d. Go for a simple 2d program. 3d programs can be hell when you get into the math for them. I would suggest a simple tetris or pong clone, and then work your way up from there. Nothing is more discouraging than starting out in something which you don''t understand.

My site address! Whoo!
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me
Well first of all I have expirience so...
Second, I saw 3dsmax (SAW) and you can''t really make good models
I tried to make (it was my friend''s house) and it was pretty ugly
Second, are you sure it''s only models? I mean if I see good lightning and good polygons render than it comes only from models?
I hope you''ll explain me more
After the Brood War expansion the three sides in StarCraft were balanced so perfectly you could use them to align pictures on your wall.
1. You can make EXCELLENT models in 3dsmax. Browse around polycount, a lot of the models there were done in 3dsmax and converted.

2. You are right that a lot of good graphics don''t just come from models, but from lighting and shading. And as for good polygons, they make up the model.

My site address! Whoo!
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me

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