
Do any of you guys do any sports?

Started by April 11, 2000 04:59 PM
41 comments, last by J2xC 24 years, 5 months ago
I play golf...does that count as a sport? Oh...and, although I don''t think it''s really a SPORT, I march in my school''s marching band. Other than that...I avoid physical activity.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
Hehe, Phantasm, I do marching band too...they count it as a varsity sport here in NJ. We were like USSBA champions (Kearny, NJ) group 3A, what group are you in? I also do baseball, table tennis, and the occasional friendly basketball game.

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
I used to play Hockey almost every day with my friends and I am quite good. But Since I started programing I have hardly played at all. I enjoy most sports in a friendly game but When the compatition gets to high I would rather be in front of my computer.
I play golf. I used to play soccer, was really good at it, but didn''t really want to keep playing it. I''ve really gotten into Tae Kwon Do recently. It''s a lot of fun.

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"Who wants to live forever?" Queen
"Never trust a bald barber" me
I won a couple golf tournaments last summer...i wont be able to play again this summer

It was local, but i shoot about a 77/78 from pro tees on a decent course. I also rock climb...maybe ill be able to do some of that in Egypt this summer.

I play soccer if I have time.....
and I play Q3, but this is no sport, isn't it??

Charlie McSow /Paradigm Game Design

Edited by - Charlie McSow on 4/12/00 10:46:25 AM
CharlieGame DesignerRarebyte
I play a few sports, tennis, raquetball, basketball, , water ski, and pickup games of football. I see that rock climbing is very popular, I''m going to have to try that. I''ve allways wanted to, but never had the chance.

Among my favorite sports that I play constantly are Soccer, Football, and Hockey! Those three sports rule my life when I''m not manipulated by polygons!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Woohoo, I love sports. I play football, basketball, soccer, golf, baseball, hockey, and a lot more. I played basketball yesterday and dunked on someone, it''s a great feeling.

Oh, and I''m only 5''11".
Working on: DoP
Lately, I only have time to weightlift and run, but I used to be into basketball, football, and wrestling.

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