
Squirrel Assault

Started by September 19, 2002 01:44 PM
26 comments, last by BioSquirrel 22 years, 5 months ago
i think the squirrels should be able to make use of bits and pieces in the forest...

obviously they''d have nuts that the can throw at the soldiers (they''re reusable though they''d have to go round collecting them for ammo) and perhaps even make some snares and things from bits of twine...

how about a squirrel platoon being sent out to dig a hole for the marines to fall into? for them it''d be a massive mining operation... ...

perhaps they could also hire in outside help - they could recruit a beaver unit to cut down trees for them and birds for aerial assaults, for example...

don''t sit back and let life take you where it will... grab it by the horns and wrestle it to the ground... you''ll only end up talking about missed chances if you don''t... [paulfucius, 2002]
don't sit back and let life take you where it will...
grab it by the horns and wrestle it to the ground...
you'll only end up talking about missed chances if you don't...
[paulfucius, 2002]
Then the sequel could have bunny rabbits instead of squirrels. Just think, all these cute little bunnies hopping around a marine and suddenly a bunny jams a carrot up the marine''s you know what! That would be hilariously amusing online.
I may have to wait until I finish another project before I seriously work on this one. I am doing some things though. I have a test of the game using a Marine tank.
Hey that rabbit idea reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. You could also add some predators into the game to go after both the Marines and the squirrels.
This looks to me to be a case of playing "Conker''s Bad Fur Day" alot but I could be wrong. If so I can undertstand because that is an extremely addictive game.
Taking this idea seriously, have you played Aliens Vs Predator (1 or 2). The Aliens, while having only their claws and tail to attack with are balanced because they are not only fast but can grip to any surface (meaning they can run across ceilings and walls). You could make a similar system with the squirrels, allowing them to attack from the trees, undetected until its too late. You would likely have some sort of face assault, making bites/scatches to the face do massive damage compared to little damage to the body (though a swarm attack on the body is still good).
Actually, I haven''t played Conker''s Bad Fur Day in a year...just have some strange obsession with squirrels

Anyway, the squirrels go a lot faster than marines and might be able to climb trees but if you throw a grenade into a pack of squirrels, it''s not going to be pretty

Ooo, Ilove AvP2. Marines were the best with the seeker rocket launcher in Multi untilI seriously tried the aliens. Now I can piss the hell out of both the marines and the preds playing as one of the aliens. Oh god, goods times good times.
When you say that the squirels would be collecting nuts, do you mean from the marines? Would they use a knife or some type of miniture giloteen?

The beavers could be friends of the nut grabing squirials, they could distract the marines. We all know how much soldiers love beever!

I can see it now marines chaseing beaver while gripping squirels who are collecting their nuts. It''s great!

As Mr Cup always says,
''''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''''

As Mr Cup always says,''I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.''
Just going along with Mr Cup here. Marines also like bouncing puppies. Heck who don''t?! Beaver and bouncing puppies could it be any better!!!

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