
New contest!

Started by September 14, 2002 05:51 AM
25 comments, last by BauerGL 22 years, 5 months ago
Please consider us modem users. With the last contest (LOTR) it took me about a week of solid downloading to download 46 entries of maybe 4meg as an average.

Try to keep it under 5mb. Please

Baldur K
"Hey! I hate these Microsoft guys! What a rotten compiler! It only accepts 16,384 local variables in a function!"
What about keeping size under 1mb? If you saw any of 64k demos you must know you can put hell lot of stuff in 1mb. Just use compressed textures and runtime generated data.

baldurk: I know exacley how you feel. I''m a modem user too.

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Well I suck so I dunno if I can fit everything I want into 1mb.. but I will try to keep it as small as possible, and for sure under 5mb (I hope )


Super Sportmatchen - A retro multiplayer competitive sports game project!

IMO the size limit affects mostly mp3''s. Without music, at least 40 of the 46 LOTR entries could have been packed into a file smaller than 1Mbyte.

DarkWing: 64k demos come from very special contests. I don''t think that NeHe would like to turn his contest into file-cropping work.

And for you modem users (I used to be a modem user in the past, so I know what you mean too) I think that I could ship some CDs to ppl who really want it, but in that case the CDs would arrive a few weeks later which is even longer than downloading from a low bandwidth. Doh !
can i make a simple game, or do i have to make a demo. i can''t think of any demo ideas, but a few game ideas. -PmanC
Here''s my loading screen:

Im entering btw

If you guys want a few ideas why dont you try a time demo to Bach''s Tocatta (Dracula''s theme song).
Jeff''s thinking no bigger than 7mb since there were complaints about the 5mb limit on the LOTR contest(trying to make everyone happy) this does not mean you have to use all 7mb good luck!

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