
X2 Milestone #2: Design Review

Started by September 13, 2002 04:24 AM
10 comments, last by Sage13 22 years, 5 months ago
Hey, continuing onwards, Liquid Moon has just hit our second milestone ON TIME in the X2 project. That only leaves 5 more to go before the demo completion (August 15th 2003). Here's What's New (we'd love feedback on the project thus far): OVERALL PROJECT UPDATES In the last term our focus was to complete the introduction outline for the game and to lay the groundwork for the creation of Raire City. Meeting these objectives, we have also scripted the entire game from beginning to end and will continue to progress in the outline of the demo until its completion. We are looking to have this outline finished by January 17th. The continuation of world conception and creation has been proceeding as planned. Most world objects have been completed and the main cast has reached a workable finalization. The completion of all world objects and further creation of the extended cast will be taking place during this next milestone. As a side note to the world creation, our level editor is also near completion. ART UPDATES As usual, our art team has been gun hoe throughout this last term. We have tons of new art and design work from Darcy, Roland, Z, Karl, and Will. Check out some of the content these guys have come up with for world items and character designs. Math Math2 Dark Mihajid Ingontory Mihajid New Cipher Born Annex Evo Statue Weapon Designs Weapon Designs2 Dragon Relic Design1 Dragon Relic Design2 Dragon Relic Design3 Kazone Land Bridge Treasure Chest Design Various Concept Works Math and Cipher Born Promo Art The art focus in this next term will continue to be geared towards the completion of world assets, but our main objective shall be to complete Raire City. DESIGN UPDATES A lot has been getting done on the design side. The completion of the game introduction, Raire City Outline, and the point-by-point breakdown of the entire game are the most notable. Also added to the design doc are the Story/Game Scene and Location Breakdowns. Continuing onwards towards more design detail, every location and story point is being supplemented with goals and objectives. These breakdowns explain the guidelines and major objectives of each stage or story point. Here are the design updates for this term: Game Introduction Outline Raire Story/Game Scene and Location Breakdown Boolean Bio Cipher Born Bio Our next objective in design is to complete the breakdown of Raire City and to finalize the Map of the Raire and Llevy Elenhienz regions. In addition to this, we will be continuing to complete the game outline up to the end of the Afayii Dark Forest section. WRITING UPDATES We are nearing the end of our second review for the story writing in the game. Several large changes have been made to the story, such as the names and the endings. Also, Quan, Kyle, and myself are writing many new scenarios for the game. Ron has been continuing to handle the character development for the main cast and is creating fantastic written visuals for the team. Here are the Writing updates for this term: Reese Profile Kalsus Profile Ark Profile Anadin Profile Bryce Profile Geo Profile Further ahead for the 3rd Milestone, expect to see the completion of 2 additional Amacrocidious stories and further character profiles of the cast. The dialoguing for Raire City Scenes and scenarios will also be completed. PROGRAMMING UPDATES Our programming guru has been hard at work plugging away at the level editor for X2. His focus this previous term has been on the design and initial implementation of the code. The level editor is near completion and should be workable by the next term. MUSIC UPDATES Music has also seen a sudden shock this past term. There are some awesome new tracks for the game that have been produced by Simon and Wayne this term. Even, and Jeffery, are also cooking up some new songs for the Sound Track of X2. Expect to see more great work being done by these talented individuals in the future. Music updates can be found here: Music Page For the next term music wise, the completion of the Introduction Raire City Theme, Clouds Escape Theme, Seda’s Theme, and general game world music will be the main focus. Ok, that’s it for the second Milestone. Our next major milestone is November 15th . By then we should have Raire City completed design, art, and music wise. Our level editor will be up and running and we will begin testing and concept designing with it. thanx -Sage13 Liquid Moon Team Project X2 [edited by - Sage13 on September 13, 2002 5:28:14 AM]
Although I don''t have any feedback for you, I''d just like to congratulate you on setting and meeting milestones, as well as choosing a project that is within your capabilities. Well done - you must have a great project manager.
Thanx,yes, it was our goal from the begining to set milestones so that we can get used to meeting them.

thanx again

Although I haven''t touched a link in yet, I''d like to also congradulate you on meeting with your goals so far. I find it quasi-inspiring to see that your team has managed to complete so much work. Kudos to you all.
Thanx again.

Interestingly enough, we''ve been following the software design mythologies from "Game: Architecture and Design". The software factory model seems to be working well. I''d advise anybody planning to seriously get into game development to read it in it''s entirety.

Liquid Moon Team

Project X2


What''s this game coming out for?!

It looks great! It looks like you have a big group of people working on it. Is it a funded project?

Your design doc has a few spelling errors and small mistakes, but besides that it''s very detailed!

Nice Stuff man!

=+ Loyalist Lives~

<a href ="">Studies of Life</a>

I''ve been casually following this game due to it''s website quality. It looks better than ever and I highly encourage your team to keep up the good work. I wish I had some of those great qualities your team has developed and kept throughout all of X2''s development.

Bleu Shift -
Thanx guys.
We are doing the first version for PC, and the second for the GBA.
Yes, our team is dedicated but unfortunately we are not being funded, we just get subsidized with server space from TMS.

thanx again for the feedback.


Liquid Moon Team

Project X2

I think this should be in the Announcements forum
Umm, no he posted in the right forum. Remember the title of the thread is Design Review. This is the Design forum so I think is in the right place.

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