
Open Gl Extensions?

Started by April 08, 2000 03:27 PM
3 comments, last by Blue*Omega 22 years, 9 months ago
Are there any "Extentions" to open gl that involve networking, sound, ect, like with DirectSound,DirectPlay? I know that there is an open al ( that deals with sound but I dont know if it''s directly related to open gl.
// Tojiart
There isn''t anything like what you''re asking for. OpenGL is just for rendering - it doesn''t even have any windowing functions - you need to do this with GLUT/wGL/glX etc...

It does have extensions but these are just ''add-on algorithms'' that do extra tricks like multi-textures etc.

I know that a few people have included OpenGL in their own libraries to give functionality similar to what you require.
Take a look at ''plib'' or ''SDL'', however, these are both UNIX based and I''m not sure if there is a Windows/Mac port.

- I''m sure this didn''t help! -

Anything besides graphics is outside the scope of the GL specification. (Hence GL - graphics library) OpenAL is an entirely different project spearheaded primarily by Lokisoft and Creative. In comparison GL is almost entirely done by SGI.
SDL is quite good, Loki makes ports with it. And it does work in windows.
You know plib stands for Portability library, perhaps you can infer what the implications of that are.

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