
Win95 vs. Win98

Started by April 08, 2000 12:50 PM
22 comments, last by Ridcully 24 years, 10 months ago
I use Win95 at work. It seldom crashes on me (two, three times a week). I have several "big" applications installed: PowerBuilder, Visual Studio 6.0, IE 5, Netscape 4.7 and 6. Most of the time, I have several of the above apps running at the same time for hours on end with no problems.

I use Win98 SE at home. It seldom crashes on me as well. I have all of the above on that computer (except for PowerBuilder and Netscape 6) and I usually run several of them at the same time.

I used to have Win98 first edition at home. My computer was crashing three-five times a day. Both Netscape and IE crashed repeatedly, *EVERY* time I tried to use them.

I also have Linux and I''ve never had it crash on me

Forget Win95 and Win98. Try WinNT!
WinNT is much better, ''cause it seldomly crashes.
It''s right that there is no support for DirectX Apps (except these up to version 3), but if you''re a programmer and want to work for several hours without crashes, you''d better use WinNT, ''cause it''s the best platform to do such things.

Charlie McSow /Paradigm Game Design
CharlieGame DesignerRarebyte
Original post by Nicodemus

Hey Muzzafarath,

There''s an life simulator called Framesticks, and in its page is said that it can only run in Win98...(The window version... the console version can run on win95) well, my friend has Win95 and tried to install it anyway, but he couldn''t, because "This program must run only on Microsoft Windows 98."... well, since I have Win98 (and I agree with The Goop, benjamin bunny and that anonymous above me...) , I installed it in my computer, and then gave to my friend the program files... which run PERFECTLY in his win95... strange, heh? That makes you think...


About the quote about. I reckon Microsoft do a check in the setup to see which OS you have and if its not 98 aborts in a unfair attempt to get people to buy 98. If this happens it should be illegal!

I am using win 95...seems better than 98 to me.

//--- Created by Tom Oram ---

It's nice to see that other people like 95b better than 98 just like me. I usually get flamed for saying that 95 is better than 98. I have 98 @ work and it crashes about 2-3 a day, 95 @ home maybe twice / week, but in all fairness I use the work one more. What is really bad is that I use a shell replacement, so I don't even see all the new improvements that 98 is supposed to have, but it makes it a lot more lightweight. From an end user standpoint, there really isn't enough reason to upgrade from 95 to 98, w2k for that matter if you're just running a desktop. (btw has anyone heard that w2k won't allow you to install your own printer driver?)

Edited by - Jim_Ross on 4/13/00 8:38:19 AM
An upgrade to Win 98 didn''t really do a lot for me. I just hope windows 2000 is a more stable than the win9x series
nothing wrong with win98. its not just usb support, all its hardware support is much better, 95 didnt know a heck about AGP etc. I tried to use one old Xircom PCMCIA etherned card on my laptop (win95b with all upgrades) , which i knew worked fine on another similar laptop. I wrestled with it whole day, tried all sorts of drivers and registry editing and cleaning and stuff. finally i just upgraded to 98 and it worked immmediately. And, i just love all these little extras, that 98 has. Toolbars that you can make out of any folder, FIXED start menu, inet connection sharing in SouthEast edition etc.


C:\Projects\rg_clue\ph_opt.c(185) : error C3142: 'PushAll' :bad idea
C:\Projects\rg_clue\ph_opt.c(207) : error C324: 'TryCnt': missing point
-kertropp C:Projectsrg_clueph_opt.c(185) : error C3142: 'PushAll' :bad ideaC:Projectsrg_clueph_opt.c(207) : error C324: 'TryCnt': missing point
I use 95. I don''t want 98. I will not use an OS that looks like internet explorer. I won''t do it. Fuck them.

I''ve used 2000, and programmed some DX7 on it. It sucks BAD. I don''t know if it was the hardware that was unsupported or if DX7 just isn''t done well in 2000, but none of the pro games I ran worked at all, and my games had weird bugs and crashes, even though they worked fine in 95/98. If you like to play games, stay the hell away from Win2K!!

So far, the most stable Windows I''ve ever used has been WinNT server and workstation. Too bad there''s bad DirectX support for that platform or I''d be using it in a jiffy.

One glorious day, linux may have nearly the same hardware and software support as Windows, and we can all finally give Microsoft the collective finger and start working with a real OS! :-)
I have Win98 on both machines at home because Win95 simply refused repeatedly and vehemently to accept the fact that I have 2 CD drives (48x and a CDR/W) Yes, I tried everything to fix it. Win98 install and the thing came up and has never had a problem again.
I think in general Win98 probably has a few problems. I''ve gotten to the point where I simply reinstall windows every time I put in new hardware, because I''m going to have to anyway, and if the thing keeps mapping my video card IRQ to my sound card IRQ randomly when I reboot, I''m going to break something, but at least it fixes it if I reboot repeatedly, eventually.

~ The opinions stated by this individual are the opinions of this individual and not the opinions of her company, any organization she might be part of, her parrot, or anyone else. ~
Im sorry, but i just find that "seldom crashes on me (two, three times a week" is just about the funniest thing i have ever heard. I have never had a system crash in linux, nor in BeOS. But anyway:

W2K is an upgrade to NT, comparing 9x with NT x is not possible, both were designed with different purposes in mind. WinME (Millenium Edition (Don''t ask where they got the name)) is an upgrade to the 9x series.

Win 95 crashed much less than 98 has.
I had 85 for 2 or 3 years, and i have had less crashes on it than in the (less than a year) while i have had 98.
Original post by felisandria
I think in general Win98 probably has a few problems. I''ve gotten to the point where I simply reinstall windows every time I put in new hardware, because I''m going to have to anyway, and if the thing keeps mapping my video card IRQ to my sound card IRQ randomly when I reboot, I''m going to break something, but at least it fixes it if I reboot repeatedly, eventually.

Heres a tip that you might try to make your life a bit easier. Set all your hardware resources in BIOS, and tell it you have non-PnP os. Then win wont be able to reassign any irqs. I do it this way -> leave all settings on auto. put in all hware, and let it POST, after POST it displays BIOS hware configuration screen, hit PAUSE fast to examine it, and if i see anything i dont like ( video card not using irq9, ethernet card not using irq11 or 10, sound card on lpt irq etc. ) dont even let it boot, just force irqs for PCI slots in BIOS so they are correct. I never had to reinstall 98 just because adding/replacing hware.


C:\Projects\rg_clue\ph_opt.c(185) : error C3142: 'PushAll' :bad idea
C:\Projects\rg_clue\ph_opt.c(207) : error C324: 'TryCnt': missing point
-kertropp C:Projectsrg_clueph_opt.c(185) : error C3142: 'PushAll' :bad ideaC:Projectsrg_clueph_opt.c(207) : error C324: 'TryCnt': missing point

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