
Space Shooter Weapons

Started by September 07, 2002 12:59 PM
9 comments, last by Exellon 22 years, 5 months ago
Hello everyone, my name is Tony Burns and I''m hard at work on designing my latest space shooter action game! I am stuck at one point in my design though: weapons. I am including all the standard ones in the game like chaff dispensers, EMP cannons, and pulse guns, but I am at a mind block when it comes to thinking of unique spaceship weapons. Could someone please help me out in this matter, it would be greatly appreciated! Best regards, Tony Burns
I too am working on a space shooter! Here are the weapons my game uses:

mining laser
death ray
missile launcher
nuclear bomb
ion cannons (like the ones in tie fighter)
ion beams (like the ones in homeworld)
flak cannon
particle projector cannon
gatling gun
machine gun
various mines
gauss rifle
gravity well generertor

I hope this was helpful to you.
Yes it was helpful. Thanks Always looking for some more though!

Best regards,
Tony Burns
will it be via space ships or mechs?
Space ships.

Best regards,
Tony Burns
quantum disrupters , but it''s uncertain what they''ll do
Original post by Airo
quantum disrupters , but it''s uncertain what they''ll do

Sends the individual atoms within a conical projection from the weapon to random other dimensions/spheres of probability. A side effect of this is that it creates a vacuum, drawing surrounding matter into the area of effect (possibly causing an implosion if fired correctly at an opposing ship, planet or star(!)), and also makes a nifty "pop" sound.

It is not known yet whether the use of this weapon is causing irreperable damage to this dimension, by scattering matter to other dimensions. Some scientists theorize that this weapon is commonly used in other dimensions as well, so matter would be replaced in a fashion over time. More srupulous factions refuse to use this weapon for this reason, and will look down on other factions that do use it.

Also of note, is that firing this weapon at very close ranges to dense/large objects can be fairly damaging to the weapon and/or ship, but will also have a much larger effect on the target.

For Mother GameDev!
do a search; this has come up before
low-tech grappling hook! swing less speedy opponents around, or get them to drag you so you can shoot at their rear and if they have no rear guns they''re screwed.

you could also have pirate ships that drag their prey too close to be in the line of fire, and board''em!


A Problem Worthy of Attack
Proves It''s Worth by Fighting Back don't laugh, I'm still just starting...
If you are after realisam...then how about a high pressure water gun?

Space is a gravity-less there is no atmosphere to provide friction slowing things down...So one of these real world "super high pressure liquid cutting tourches" could be used as a effective weapon...heck on a large capitol ship...the biological waste (the sanitation system) could provide all the ammo for such a weapon you would ever need!...Ever see what a 15,000psi stream of piss could do?...and talk about humiliating your enemies!

But then space, beam weapons would be there isn''t the density of fog/dust/atmosphere to reflect light, causeing us to see the beam

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