
How to do bump mapping and/or multitexturing on a sphere ??

Started by September 05, 2002 10:38 AM
3 comments, last by Slyer 22 years, 5 months ago
How to do bump mapping and/or multitexturing on a sphere?? Please help me Sorry for my english, im french
Multitexturing : look for ARB_multitexture of simply read the OpenGL specifications.

Bump-mapping : there are many ways of performing bump-mapping. From emboss to environmental bump-mapping, every effect is more or less beautiful and eats more or less CPU/GPU time. If you''re targeting decent graphics cards, say Voodoo3/TNT2 at the very least, then you could go to DOT3 Bump-mapping.
If you''re targeting top-of-the-line cards, say GeForce2 at the very least, you could try register combiners (NV) and/or fragment shaders (ATI).

You''re french ? blah I hate frenchies. Ils ont une facheuse tendance à massacrer la langue de Chèques''pire.
Sorry if you dont like frenchies!! Thanks for your help! I have a TNT2, and what are the best bump mapping?? Where can i found a tut to do bump mapping and/or multitexturing on a sphere??
in the web.

but on a tnt type hw you can''t do that much.. look up embross there.. use the nehe tut, or what ever you want.. a sphere is just another mesh..

"take a look around" - limp bizkit
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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You should start with NeHe tutorials. Lesson 22 treats Bump-Mapping, Multi-Texturing & Extensions even though the bump-mapping presented here is pretty depreceated.

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