
Playstation 2 vs. Dreamcast

Started by April 06, 2000 11:10 PM
23 comments, last by komi 24 years, 5 months ago
Well, I only know one person with a and I know several with dreamcasts.

gmcbay, about DOA2, on a high resolution computer monitor, sure it looks better. But unless you have an HDTV, you probably won''t be able to tell any difference in quality. (If you can output to TV through your video card, put the picture up and notice the jags fade away). Plus, once it comes out in the US, there might be some updates. Of course, it could be left the same.

As far as which is better, I always find it hard to understand why these types of questions come up. Some people will always say Sega, and some Sony (and some Nintendo for some strange reason I cannot possibly comprehend). People like different games, and each system caters to a different audience.

A die hard arcade fan will most likely always suggest Sega, while a die hard RPG fan will most likely suggest Sony. Of course, each system has or will have games that other systems thrive on, as there will be some good RPG''s on Dreamcast, and good arcade games on PS2.

Plus, the Dreamcast has a year ahead of the PS2, so of course you cannot base the quality on technology.

Finally, the last of my rant. Someone who says they prefer the Playstation 2 or other forthcoming system (unless they have a Japanese version or prototype) and says it is going to kill the competition is not exactly a good source to listen to imho. You have to base things off game quality and the total package rather than just graphics or rumors, biases, etc. Why not wait until more people have Playstation 2''s and then ask this question?
Yes, my friend imported his own PS2. I was excited to play it when he got it, but only to play Kessen. Kessen had some pretty cool graphics- but the gameplay was repetive and not fun. As for DOA2- I agree. The DC version looks much better! The PS2 isn''t as great as everyone is expecting it to be- I''m going to hold out on buying it until I see FF10 comes out for it. I bought the original Playstation simply because I wanted FF7. At the time, I had N64 and was REALLY disappointed with it. Being a really big fan of RPGs and action games, the N64 landed in my sister''s room (she''s 7), and she even thinks it''s games are too childish! Personally, I think the most appealing system that has been announced so far is the X-Box. Microsoft has always been successful, and the X-Box will almost certainly not fail.
What I''m REALLY waiting for is some virtual reality! Oh how Virtual Boy tried... it was such a crap system!
BTW- programmers are still useful when it comes to developing Virtual Reality, right? I mean, can you use C/C++ to create a VR software program?

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
why you guys keep talking that the dreamcast have arcade games ? with the exception of crazy taxi i have seen no another one(ok was that terrible Virtual cop2)and the diference of the DC and the PS2 grapics is minimal( 10M poligons hahahahahaha! what a joke) and the dreamcast is geting increditable games

what you can buy if you have a dreamcast:

Eternal Arcadia
Phantasy Star Online
Grandia 2
Jet Set Radio
Virtua On 2
Chakan (this one is been missing lately, but i think that will be a grat game)
probaly any SNK fighter that will come(sega and snk are quasi partners)
that capcom bimonthly Rpg that i forget the name

and with a PS2 you have:
Tekken Tag Turnament (i don´t like it but i put it anyway)
Final Fantasy 10 (arrrrg!!)
Final Fantasy 11 ( in some day around 2001 xmas... in japan)
and a lot of come from non-where sports games

and rembember that the success of the PS2 in japan is becouse it is a DVD player for around 300 bucks( hey i think that i will buy one!)

- the light at the end of the tunnel can be a train coming in the oposite direction

As much as I hate to say it PSX2. Dreamcast was just PSX and N64 mixed together. Dreamcast is just a waste of money. If your really looking for a good system try N2000 or PSX2. (Darn I said it again)
Does anyone listen to Destiny''s Child, TLC, or Sammie?
time for me to jump in on a more "techical" level.

playstation2 cant support 640x480. it has 2 graphics processors, meaning it HAS to run at 2 640x240 modes. this means that only every line gets updated each frame. it is also because of this that ps2 sufferes from massive jaggies, while DC is much smoother.

because of the dual graphics processors, 90% of the programmers time is spent keeping them in sync with each other, leaving little time to create interesting content. it is this same flaw that killed off the saturn - it was just too difficult to program, dispite the fact it could handle more data and work faster than the original playstation.

the assembler code for working with the graphics units is bloody ''orride too - way to over complicated. many developers have given up with the playstation2 because of this.

sega did a good thing by contracting windowsCE from microsoft. it allows small and less experienced developers to create games, and allows more experienced to tap into the hardware directly. TR4 uses the winCE interface and runs nicly at 45-odd frames per second. worms armageddon uses winCE.

DC has soul calibur, which whips tekken tag tournement easily (TTT was a rush job - Namco said it themselves. they also said that they wanted to spend more time with the DC to see what it was REALLY capable off).

DC has got resident evil: code veronica (the true RE3, not the "fill in the gaps of the story line RE: nemesis"), which is the very first RE game to have full 3D backgrounds (not statis 2D images). this allows for sweeping camera, more special effects, and ALL (bar one or two) FMV sequances to be generated in real time (it''s a cotradiction of terms, but you know what i mean).

i could go on for ever (no-one dare ask me. this page will be jammed with so much crap you wouldn''t believe)


Get a life, get a Dreamcast
MENTAL, since that you looks to know a lot of this stuff ,do you know why the PS ( and what i see of the PS2) have so much liasing and the saturn ,the n64 and the dreamcast don´t have almost no liasing ?

-windows? no, thanks! i already have a XT why another one

Edited by - MASARANDUBA on 4/15/00 7:58:19 PM
the orgininal PS runs a shite resolution (cant remember what one now) and cant support high-bit textures either. the image has to be stretched to fit the screen, meaning every pixel has to be stretched to fit on the screen.


PS: the saturn is the same case, unless you use a scart lead.
MASARANDUBA- You''re wrong that FF11 will be coming out exclusively in Japan around Christmas. If you actually FOLLOW gaming news, and knew a thing or two about what''s happening in the console world, you would know that FF11 will be coming out for the US, Japan and UK all at the same time because of it''s internet play. Boyo.

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
iéi ,sorry i put the wrong comment in the FFs
in fact that sould be like that

FF10(arg!)(sometime around 2001 xmas... in japan)
FF11(i thint that the phantasy star online will be better since the dreamcast already have all the internet stuff)

and the name of that capcom RPG is El Dorado Gate

ei this the 2nd time that my post is posted without i press the button , weird don´t?

and frederyc just a thing,don´t keep doing agressive responces since you don´t know who is in the other side( mainly with brazilians(we are the best hakers in the world))

-at long terms, we all be death

Edited by - MASARANDUBA on 4/16/00 12:41:36 PM
I don''t care actually, ''cuz I bought a Dreamcast when it came out, and by the time the 600$ (yes 600$ Can.) PS2 comes out here, I''ll have enough money to buy it, so I will have both! /*Begin devilish laugh*/ BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA /*End devilish laugh*/

Sorry if I sound like a total dick, but its true !
"End Communication!", Kang from Rigel-4

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