
Need some Ideas

Started by April 06, 2000 09:09 PM
1 comment, last by SillyClown 24 years, 5 months ago
Hey programers and what not, Ive got some questions maybe you could help me with.. First off being new to the 3D engine programing, I gotta say the tutorials written basically don''t help. I understand what they are saying I can look at the code and determine the entire logic but what help is that to me? I need to understand a better idea on theory and code for this... Second I have some really awesome ideas if anyone is willing to help me out... Even newbies are welcome cause we gotta learn sometime no? Im shooting for very advanced... I really don''t care if its an FPS killer because you can turn off those features... just by not using them... Its not that I don''t know what Im doing but certain things that most people do bug me when they are coding things... and most tutorials on directX are just as odd to figure out as the actual documentation Ive done a lot of designing and haven''t got any story or real ideas... i just want to build something that can do anything I tell it to... anyways its probably just me.... thanks for any help This site is awesome gave me more info then anyother...
-SillyClown Leaving Dis House
I felt the same way, but there is a new (and very good) article series here about 3D. The first part is on the GameDev main page right now, and more will follow. I can''t wait for the next one!

- null_pointer
Sabre Multimedia
Yes i know I read it a couple times.. I have that stuff down pat I understand all the concepts and have a pretty good idea about where to start... Just certain things like animation of characters do you update its frame of animation then position it or do you update its postion then show the animation... kinda doesn''t make since 2 update it before you get the new vertex points from the next frame or do I have absolutely no clue? those are my main questions
-SillyClown Leaving Dis House

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