
I'm trying to come up with a fun new fighting system for an RPG.

Started by September 03, 2002 11:21 PM
6 comments, last by alphacentric666 22 years, 5 months ago
Turn-Base is great for thinking and mental exercises but its very boring for a 3D game. I''ve played Final Fantasy X at my cousin''s house and even she got bored with it. Shes up to the last level I think. I couldn''t fight an enemy without falling asleep(literally- in real life). Turn Base seems to fit well with hand-held games(Golden Sun, Breath of Fire, Pokemon). I don''t like Real-Time battling that much. Its more like mindless fighting to me. It doesn''t require any intellectuals at all. I want to create a fighting system that steals the fun factor element of Real-Time battling and steals the mental exercises that Turn-Base offer. Have any ideas? Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you''re a mile away and you have their shoes.
"A programmer being told to ''go to'' hell sees the ''go to'' part of the sentence as the bad part."
There really isn''t more strategy involved in turn based fighting. You just have longer to think about each move. Every tactic could be applied in some way to real time, and vice versa. I think it would be hard to draw a line between them and create your game on it. I think you should go real time, and add as much strategy as possible, or go turn based and try your best to keep the player awake.

Adding a lot of detail to a turn based fight is always good. Like X-Com. The problem with Final Fantasy is the lack of depth. You cast a spell, you hit em in the head, or just run. That''s not much to choose from. And even when you''re 59 levels ahead of enemies, you still have to fight every one of them.

"1 and 1 is 1 11" - tool
I like the Dungeon Siege/Baldur''s Gate approach to this. The fighting is mostly realtime, but if you need to you can pause and set tasks for each of your characters individually, so occasionally there is strategy of sorts, and you can use as much or as little as you like.

I think there is a little more to the problem than just purely ''turn-based or real-time'' question. Dungeon Siege can get a little tiring with wave after wave of enemies, and how the yawn-inducing Final Fantasy became as popular as it did is a complete mystery to me, but alphacentric if you haven''t played Baldur''s Gate you really should give that a try and see what you think It has the best balance of any RPG I''ve played so far.
Final Fantasy style "Fight, Fight, Magic, Potion" style battles aren''t any more strategic or intellectual than any realtime system I''ve played. Something along the lines of X-Com or Fallout or Final Fantasy tatics is slightly more challenging because you have a lot more options are combinations, more than you would in a realtime game. A Baldur''s Gate or Freedom Force style "mini-rts" system is probably what you want though, it''s realtime (usually with pausing) so you end up with a faster pace than turn-based or phase-based games, but you''re managing a lot of characters and complex actions, so there''s more strategy involved.
I was a big fan of Grandia II''s combat system in which moves were turn-based, but were executed in real-time and took a certain amount of time to execute (depending on the action). Timing attacks correctly would yield critical hits on your opponents -- not to mention the fact that things seemed to get a lot rowdier because there''s always more than one action going on at once.

There are 3 systems, turn based, round based and realtime. Turn based is a bit boring, as the action stalls waiting for you to hand in your orders. It is however neccesary for games with huge parties. To order 6 people around does require serious micromanagement.

Round based is a special case of turn based. Eg. in Neverwinter nights a round is 6 seconds. It''s turn based with the time to do something limited. If you have one attack per round you just hit once and defend. Multiple attacks per round make you hit more.

Real time shouldn''t degrade to frantic clicking or bashing keys.
Real time is either based on your DEX, so that a hit takes some time for the swing and to hit, or it can be real realtime.

Morrowind had it nicely done, the time you held down the mouse key is proportional to the damage. SO clicking every second or holding down 3 seconds each will kill the enemy in more or less the same amount of time. I always loved fighting skeleton champions, they looked menacing, were good with the shield. With a weak sword it would be a good half minute of blocking blows and hitting, with one in 5 landing.

Im confused. didnt u post this exact same thing a few hours ago here

why another one?

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Someone must have moved this from General Programming (rightly)... duplicate topics, so this is closed. Post in the other one if you want.
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.

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