Problem creating a window with DX...
I''m having some trouble creating a window with DX... The code doesn''t use really any DX, so I figured it would be best to post in this forum... anyways, heres the code...
WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
MSG msg;
WNDCLASS wndClass;
hr = D3DXInitialize();
return 1;
world = NULL;
world = new World;
return 1; = 0;
wndClass.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc;
wndClass.cbClsExtra = 0;
wndClass.cbWndExtra = 0;
wndClass.hInstance = hInstance;
wndClass.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1));
wndClass.hCursor = NULL;
wndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);
wndClass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
wndClass.lpszClassName = APP_NAME;
if(RegisterClass(&wndClass) == 0)
return 1;
world->hWnd = CreateWindow(
ShowWindow(world->hWnd, nCmdShow);
return 1;
and that''s where it fails... hWnd == 0, and returns 1. I can''t find out what''s wrong. If your wondering, it compiles fine, and hWnd is a member of world. I thought there was a problem with it being in the class, but I tried it otherwise and it did nothing... I''m not sure what''s wrong. If you want to see my actual code, email me and I''ll gladly send it to you.
Well, thanks for your time...
You got your parameters all screwed up, thats why!!!
Heres the prototype:
HWND CreateWindow( LPCTSTR lpClassName,
// pointer to registered class name
LPCTSTR lpWindowName,
// pointer to window name
DWORD dwStyle,
// window style
int x,
// horizontal position of window
int y,
// vertical position of window
int nWidth,
// window width
int nHeight,
// window height
HWND hWndParent,
// handle to parent or owner window
HMENU hMenu,
// handle to menu or child-window identifier
HANDLE hInstance,
// handle to application instance
LPVOID lpParam
// pointer to window-creation data
The first parameter is the name of the pre-defined windows class (should be WINCLASS1 in your case).
Otherwise all other parameters are fine.
Edited by - Zipster on 4/6/00 6:23:35 PM
Heres the prototype:
HWND CreateWindow( LPCTSTR lpClassName,
// pointer to registered class name
LPCTSTR lpWindowName,
// pointer to window name
DWORD dwStyle,
// window style
int x,
// horizontal position of window
int y,
// vertical position of window
int nWidth,
// window width
int nHeight,
// window height
HWND hWndParent,
// handle to parent or owner window
HMENU hMenu,
// handle to menu or child-window identifier
HANDLE hInstance,
// handle to application instance
LPVOID lpParam
// pointer to window-creation data
The first parameter is the name of the pre-defined windows class (should be WINCLASS1 in your case).
Otherwise all other parameters are fine.
Edited by - Zipster on 4/6/00 6:23:35 PM
His parameters look the same as yours..I think, I might not be seeing something though..
What I think the problem is would be that he doesn''t fill in the cbSize field of his WNDCLASS, like this-winclass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASS);
Hope you get it working.
What I think the problem is would be that he doesn''t fill in the cbSize field of his WNDCLASS, like this-winclass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASS);
Hope you get it working.
Um, cbSize isn't a member of WNDCLASS... I think it's a member of WNDCLASSEX, but not WNDCLASS... I'm not sure... the create window code is taken from one of the D3DX examples...
Zipster, how exactly would I be able to use WNDCLASS1? I'm pretty new to windows programming. I have been programming DX and D3D, but I only know enough windows programming to get me by.
Thanks for responding...
And once again, any help is apreciated.
Edited by - Doddler on 4/6/00 7:28:21 PM
Zipster, how exactly would I be able to use WNDCLASS1? I'm pretty new to windows programming. I have been programming DX and D3D, but I only know enough windows programming to get me by.
Thanks for responding...
And once again, any help is apreciated.
Edited by - Doddler on 4/6/00 7:28:21 PM
Just put "WINCLASS1" (with the quotes) into the first parameter position.
April 06, 2000 09:44 PM
Sorry, Zipster, didn''t work either. Kaellaar, APP_NAME is defined as "Project RPG", the name of my project (for now).
I''ve got the troubling project source online at...
I seriously don''t know what''s wrong... I''ve been completely stumped for about a week now... I can''t seem to put my finger on what could be preventing it from working. If you do take a look at the source, be sure to read the readme I put in there.
Anyways, I''m seriously baffled as to why it does what it does. Mabe taking a look at the source will give you a better understanding of what''s going on.
Well, thank you again for trying to help...
I''ve got the troubling project source online at...
I seriously don''t know what''s wrong... I''ve been completely stumped for about a week now... I can''t seem to put my finger on what could be preventing it from working. If you do take a look at the source, be sure to read the readme I put in there.
Anyways, I''m seriously baffled as to why it does what it does. Mabe taking a look at the source will give you a better understanding of what''s going on.
Well, thank you again for trying to help...
Sorry, Zipster, didn''t work either. Kaellaar, APP_NAME is defined as "Project RPG", the name of my project (for now).
I''ve got the troubling project source online at...
I seriously don''t know what''s wrong... I''ve been completely stumped for about a week now... I can''t seem to put my finger on what could be preventing it from working. If you do take a look at the source, be sure to read the readme I put in there.
Anyways, I''m seriously baffled as to why it does what it does. Mabe taking a look at the source will give you a better understanding of what''s going on.
Well, thank you again for trying to help...
I''ve got the troubling project source online at...
I seriously don''t know what''s wrong... I''ve been completely stumped for about a week now... I can''t seem to put my finger on what could be preventing it from working. If you do take a look at the source, be sure to read the readme I put in there.
Anyways, I''m seriously baffled as to why it does what it does. Mabe taking a look at the source will give you a better understanding of what''s going on.
Well, thank you again for trying to help...
In your WindowProc, you are not returning the value of the DefaultWinodwProc after you call it. I bet during the window creation, this value isn''t being returned correctly so it fails (hwnd == 0).
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
instead and see if that solves the problem.
Yeah, sure... we are laughing WITH you ...
Yeah, sure... we are laughing WITH you ...
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