O.K. So I put a little thought to this and here''s what I came up with.
The basic problem is this. You have Hard Core (HC) players and Casual (C) players. HC players play a lot and leave C gamers in the dust. This is bad, so you need to balance out HC players and C players. The only way is to punish HC players, by making their levels harder to get, reducing their effectiveness, or giving bonuses to C players.
But is that the only solution ? Albert Einstein once said "You can''t solve a problem with the same thinking that created it" Now I’m no Albert Einstein but I''m willing to take a stab and solving the problem with a different approach.
What if you could architect an environment where HC players didn''t want to advance?
Seems a little weird but I thought up an O.K. scenario to describe it. What if in the game you made it difficult for players who were say 50% ahead of the average level in the game, not by capping them but making the game more difficult. What if these HC high level players would be targeted by the forces of evil because the represent the greatest threat to the dark lord. The game could spawn powerful demons that hunted these top level characters relentlessly. The further ahead of the average level the HC gamers got the bigger and badder the demons would be that hunted them. Eventually the high level characters would have to travel in groups just to survive. You could indicate how "market for death by demons" a player was by giving them a red aura for example. The deeper the red and stronger the aura the more "Wanted" they are by the forces of evil.
Admittedly some HC gamers would love this. But even so the difficulty of hunting with big demons after you would eventually wear on them giving them motivation to slow down on their leveling. Because a lot of HC gamers would rise to the challenge and feel good about their auras initially it''s not as much of a punishment as diminishing returns but it accomplishes a similar goal.
Yes, it''s pretty easy to punch holes in this idea. For instance what would HC gamers do when they retreated to town waiting for the masses of C gamers to catch up with them? You would have to provide them with something else to do. Better yet, reduce their aura when they hunt in a group with low level players. Because they get a break from big ugly demons they would be more likely to engage in this type of activity even though (or because) it wouldn’t level them as fast.
So my challenge is this, come up with a solution to the HC & C problem that doesn''t punish (or punishes less) the gamers like diminishing returns or level capping does. Doesn’t have to be perfect but try and make it creative.