
Obj file problems.

Started by September 02, 2002 12:08 AM
0 comments, last by CL 22 years, 6 months ago
I was wondering if anyone knew the solution to my current problem. I load a .obj file with a texture and display it with vertices and texture vertices in OpenGL .. no lighting, normals, or anything else; just a plain textured object. For some reason the object appears partially transparent with polygons disappearing all over the place depending on what angle the object is viewed at. Seems like a depth buffer problem but I can''t figure it out. Any suggestions? By the way, anyone else notice all the "Meet Women Now" popups showing up on computer programming sites? Jeez ... what a stereo type.
Figured it out .. never set the near viewing plane to 0.0 .. put it to 1.0 and everything worked.

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