
Some kind of backstory or something...

Started by August 28, 2002 07:08 PM
11 comments, last by DuranStrife 22 years, 3 months ago
Have you written any more of the plot from where you left off?
In some ways I agree with you, but some revisions are mistakes. Sometimes undiluted inspiration is a better source of good writing than all the rewriting in the world. I merely thought that I should put out the original so that the story *AS ORIGINALLY CONCEIVED* would remain in the minds of someone, somewhere. Basically, the decision to post this story unedited was an artistic one, undiluted by common sense, rationality, etc. By the way, the image of a rabid horse eating a sandwich brought a smile to my face, even without the naked rider.

I wish. What with one thing and another, I may not have a complete story for a few months or even a year. The way I'm designing this game is by...

A. Creating a general sort of history for my world(s) (The thing I posted here.)
B. Designing a large and diverse set of characters with personalities and personal histories based on what the world is like.
C. Writing a tightly intertwined story based on the characters.

Obviously, I have a few ideas about what the final story is going to be like, but details will differ based on the sort of heroes I end up with.

Right now, I'm working on step B, but overall, I'm only about 12% of the way through character design. Since so many of you seem to like my story, I'll post some brief character histories once I'm done creating them!

I'd like to think that players could handle reading this displayed screen by screen at the beginning of the game (similar to Xenogears' opening), but I think that I'm capable of revealing little bits of the story at a time to Solan and company. Even if I do so, I'd like to put a final draft of this story somewhere in the game documentation. Or maybe this will be shown in the game as part of a recap of the story as known so far, once the characters piece together the entire plot. How do you (plural you) think I should go about it?

[edited by - DuranStrife on September 7, 2002 1:44:42 PM]
Ur story''s pretty damn cool. For once I actually paid attention to someone elses stroy. I can''t even do that with my own stories!

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