quote: Original post by Saluk
Your game is sounding like it has the same problem though - if you don''t collect items, what DO you do?
The game is being set up to encourage exploration. We haven'' quite decided on a rewards system, but we want the users to visit far places, to consider circling the planet (this isn''t based on earth, so we''re able to think up some creative things - all bound by contemporary physics), and so forth. We want their to be challenges and many clues that point to interesting things to do. Some of those "quests" will require more than one dinosaur to complete, providing the incentive for social interaction between players, which will be a big part of the game. See Silvermyst''s thread in this forum on Cavemen communication for a very early preview of some of our communication ideas.
Another important factor is that we want this game to be friendly to the casual gamer. We don''t want a world where unless you spend hours a day, you simply can''t compare/compete/enjoy the experience. The game world will hopefully feature archaeological and paleontological (did I spell that right? can''t be bothered to check right now) data that may somehow contribute to some other overarching goal. We may (depending on skill and time) also include other species that slowly evolve and affect the world.
You''re quite right when you say that a lot of gameplay is missing. For us, what we''re interested in doing right now is building a prototype that we can publicly demo (don''t hold your breath; we''re still writing the first draft of the creative design document, to be followed by the technical design document, iterative editing and synchronization of the two with some initial programming, and finally application development - which includes a preproduction stage of sketch artwork, CG renders and storyboards to give us a good idea what exactly we''re trying to accomplish). At that point (probably two years down the road - and that''s a very optimistic guess) we''ll present the demo publicly for beta testing and seek comments on expanding and balancing gameplay. This might even evolve into some sort of community development thing (a la Open Source). We''ll see.