

Started by April 05, 2000 12:08 PM
38 comments, last by firahs 24 years, 5 months ago
It means "Has anyone seen Lawnmower man(movie)?"

Firahs, it basically means you''ve died for the Mac cause

If you code it, they will come...

Commander M

yeah i ment the Lawnmover man movie!
....cause the main is when the Lawnmover man died...
***"When I die, don''t bury me, Just hook me up to my computer and I will live forever!"***.....=)
really a funny movie! =)

Ugh...have anyones seen Ravenous?....That was the most untaste full movie ive ever seen!Eating human flesh...Örrk!!!....just like Alive...but here they enjoy it and thinks that they got more force -Windeeigo...

quote: Original post by firahs

It means "Has anyone seen Lawnmower man(movie)?"

I feel Enlightened! I have seen Lawnmower Man! what a fabulous movie I only saw the first one though for some reason the sequel is usually not as good as the first movie!

***"When I die, don't bury me, Just hook me up to my computer and I will live forever!"***
***"When I die, don't bury me, Just hook me up to my computer and I will live forever!"***
I havent seen either, i heard the second one was better than the first one tho, so go out an watch it

HAHA ...yeah...the movie was good...i liked it....i din''t know that it was a sequel...what is that movie called?...wanna know!!!! i guessed right then about the
***"When I die, don''t bury me, Just hook me up to my computer and I will live forever!"***

quote: Original post by Sincipher

I feel Enlightened! I have seen Lawnmower Man! what a fabulous movie I only saw the first one though for some reason the sequel is usually not as good as the first movie!

***"When I die, don''t bury me, Just hook me up to my computer and I will live forever!"***

how many posts do you have to get to be a martyr? i am pretty close to 200 posts.
Hi moe...excact 200 posts -399....otherwise you could have a look at FAQ........ther you can se most of the posts and their limits for almost all of the grades...but remember...its not a competition having most it easy.. .../

By some chance is this thread just an excuse for you all to add more posts to your name and get higher ranks???

- DanielMy homepage

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