
Fullscreen slow in Nehe's lesson 38

Started by August 23, 2002 11:59 PM
1 comment, last by jpummill 22 years, 6 months ago
Hi All, I am trying to figure out why Nehe''s lesson 38 would be slow when running fullscreen. When running in the default windowed mode, the images fall at an acceptable speed. I thought it might be because of the pixelformat?? but I have recompiled with "bits" set to 8,16,24, and 32 and this does not seem to help. I am using a Dell notebook with an ATI M1 graphics chip and 8 Meg of video memory (I know, this is not new technology, but it runs Unreal Tournament at a decent rate so 50 butterflies should not be a problem!!!) Any help would be appreciated, jpummill
I don't know if this helps, but:

a) ATI's Rage ( M obility-you have a laptop) is evil... I spent $90 Canadian on one of their crappy cards (at least the Rage series). Was that ever stupid of me.

b) Unreal is DirectX. Rage works pretty well with DirectX, but OpenGL basically doesn't work unless you spend hours driver hunting. Even then, it doesn't always work.

c) Update your drivers, or...

d) Try this site:

PS: Rage cards are also bad with certain color depths. I think they only work well with 16 bit or something.

[edited by - matt_j on August 24, 2002 1:13:38 AM]
Almost every Unreal player uses Open GL for the fact that its more stable, better looking, and runs a lot faster. The drivers that come with the GOTY edition for open GL work great...

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