
HELP: Trent's Ngine

Started by August 23, 2002 07:25 PM
7 comments, last by Steve132 22 years, 6 months ago
There are about 50 errors in input.h and input.cpp in trents Ngine. They are related to directX8 not being found. I know for a fact that I have DirectX8.1 installed on my computer. can anyone help me with this?
Depending on how inexperienced you are, this''ll either sound like a legitimate question (newbie), or an insult (not-so-newbie), but...
You do have the DirectX 8.1 SDK installed, as well as the runtime, right?
The errors come from not having the SDK installed and linked correctly.
- JS
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Also make sure the header-files are in your search path (add them there by going tools/directories/include files in visual C


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No problem, i am TOTALLY new at this, and appriceate any help i can get. as for the DirectX SDK, I am sure I have at least version 8.0 DX Software Development Kit, but since the version I have is out of a book, i am unsure as to whether or not it was installed properly. also, Can someone tell me where to find those files so i can transplant tem into my library like you discribed? Your help is greatly appriceated
search msdn

problem solved
search msdn

problem solved
In your compiler goto the MenuBarroject>Stettings>Link>
and at the first text bar with the libraries listed,
type the name of the DX library you want to include - before the
kernel32.libwhatever. Oh and make sure your DX includes are in the compilers include directory, aswell as the DX libs are in the
lib directory(and in any special DX lib folder in that directory.
Make sure your DX dll.s are in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM/directory, or if they are DXwhatever32, put in the WINDOW/SYSTEM32 one.
If you are using Microsofts VC++ whatever compiler, just read the
help files on DX. I have no idea what I''m talking about. DX sucks, so I use OpenGL.
Thanks to all. I will tell you if i get the problem solved
Hi again,
I wouldn''t use the SDK that came with the book. If you go to and navigate to the SDK download, you can be sure of getting the latest version, a proper installation, and it''ll register the enviroment variables for you.
The reason you might prefer the book''s SDK is if you have a dial-up connection and don''t care to wait an eternity for the download to complete. It''s massive-- around 188 Megs, I believe. You could choose to download it in segments, rather than a single file, but that''s not much better, as each segment is huge too.
Regardless of your connection, if you''re gonna download it, use a "resumer", like Getright
- JS
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