
Game Advances

Started by August 18, 2002 06:14 PM
0 comments, last by BillofXfactor 22 years, 3 months ago
My team and I have a new project in the works, we are looking to establish ourselves into a small business and feel it best to request an advance payment instead of royalties, I was curious if anyone could tell me what the normal game advance payment is, I appreciate any advice, Thanks Bill
"Normal" could be anywhere from $0.00 to several million $. It depends on numerous factors, such as the team, your experience, the game, the perceived ROI, the perceived risk, the publisher, the economy, the type of game, the estimated budget and schedule, and so on. If your team is brand new, the most accurate answer for a "normal" advance would be $0.00.

Steve Pavlina
Dexterity Software
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