Sample SourceCode....
Hello again,
Does anyone have some sample Winsock Win32 source code for a Chat server and a Chat client...or any references to help me create one. I''ve done it in dos (console), but win32...hehe, such a pain in the arse, but sooo worth it.
Thanks for any helpfull suggestions.
"There are no such things as stupid questions...Just stupid people :)"-Me
with CNetworking I wrote this program
multi-user chat server
//steve dobbs is brill
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "CConnection.h"
#include "ChatServer.h"
int main(){
char key;
ChatServer chat(50,7778); //maximun of 50 clients, ;istening on port 7778
if(kbhit()) key=getch();
return 0;
#define BUFFSIZE 150
#ifndef NETCONST
#include "netconst.h"
#define NETCONST
class conDat{
void clear_rcv(){
for(int i=0;i receive=NULL;
void clear_snd(){
for(int i=0;i receive=NULL;<br> }<br> sp=0;<br> }<br><br> char *receive;<br> int rcv_buffersize,snd_buffersize,rp,sp,flag;<br> char *send;<br>};<br><br>//___________________________________________________________________________________<br><br>//steve dobbs is super<br>class ChatServer{<br>public:<br> ChatServer(int ncl,int port); //number of clients, port<br> ~ChatServer();<br><br> void ServerUpdate();<br> void BcastExcluding(int clientID,char *buff,int size);<br><br>private:<br> <br> conDat *clientData; // each client has its data space so processing can be done interleved.<br><br> CNetworking net;<br> CConnection **client; //and array of pointers to different CConnection classe''s<br> int *flagArray; //0 if element is untaken, 1 if slot is taken<br> int nclients;<br>};<br><br>void ChatServer::BcastExcluding(int clientID,char *buff,int size){<br> for(int i=0;i<nclients;i++){<br> if((flagArray==1)&&(i!=clientID)){<br> client->Send(buff,size);<br> }<br> }<br>}<br><br>ChatServer::ChatServer(int ncl, int port){<br> nclients=ncl;<br> net.Listen(port);<br> CConnection *c;<br><br> int i;<br> //CConnection *con;<br> //con=new CConnection[ncl];<br> void *con; con=malloc(sizeof(void *));<br> client=(CConnection **)con;<br> clientData=(conDat *)malloc(BUFFSIZE*sizeof(conDat));<br><br> flagArray=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nclients);<br> for(i=0;i<nclients;i++){<br> clientData.receive=(char *)malloc(BUFFSIZE*sizeof(char));<br> clientData.send=(char *)malloc(BUFFSIZE*sizeof(char));<br> clientData.rcv_buffersize=BUFFSIZE;<br> clientData.snd_buffersize=BUFFSIZE;<br> clientData.flag=0;<br> clientData.rp=0;<br> clientData.sp=0;<br> flagArray=0;// set array<br> }<br><br>}<br><br><br>void ChatServer::ServerUpdate(){<br> //must be updated from the main loop<br> int i,sel=-1;<br> <br> if(net.HasAccepted()>0){ // there are connections on dah stack<br> //find a free connection<br> for(i=0;i<nclients;i++){<br> if(flagArray==0){<br> sel=i; break;<br> }<br> }<br><br> //now during this cycle, create a connection/socket<br> if(sel!=-1){ //do the connection thing <br> flagArray[sel]=1;<br> client[sel]=net.GetAccepted();<br> printf("hohoho, client on slot %d has connected to server\n",i);<br> }<br><br> }<br><br> int nbytes=0;<br> char byte;<br> //all active connections now to be updated<br> for(i=0;i<nclients;i++){<br> if(flagArray==1){ //<br> nbytes=client->HasReceived();<br> if(nbytes>0){<br> client->Receive(&byte,1);<br> clientData.receive[clientData.rp]=byte;<br> clientData.rp++;<br> if(byte==NULL){<br> printf("%s\n",clientData.receive);<br><br> BcastExcluding(i,clientData.receive,clientData.rp);<br> //that line broadcasts to all clients except current, what is in the receive buffer.<br> //ie the text that was sent to the server by said client.<br> <br> clientData.clear_rcv();<br> <br> while(client->HasReceived()>0){<br> <br><br> byte=client->Receive(&byte,1); //whittle down excess data;<br> }<br> }<br> }<br> }<br><br> //go look for more active clients<br> }<br><br> <br>}<br><br>ChatServer::~ChatServer(){<br> free(flagArray);<br> net.StopListen();<br>}<br>βββββββββββββββ<br>netconst.h<br>//wibbily wobbily<br>#define NETCONST<br><br>#define netstring 0<br>#define netint 1<br>#define netfloat 2<br>#define netdouble 3<br>#define netbin 4<br>βββββββββββββββ<br><br>______________________________<br>chat client<br>______________________________<br>main.cpp<br>//biggily bop!<br>#include "CConnection.h"<br>#include <stdio.h><br>#include <conio.h><br><br><br>int main(){<br> CNetworking net;<br> CConnection con;<br> <br> char temp[500],name[128]="",key=''_'';<br><br> bool success=net.GetLocalName(name,128);<br> <br> char myip[20] = ""; // storage for one ip ("")<br> success = net.GetLocalIP(myip, 15);<br> <br> char testText[100]="wibbily wobbly biggily bop";<br> char buff[256];<br> int i;<br> <br> //ββββββ<br> int newline=1,p=0;<br> i=0;<br> //ββββββ<br> char byte,buffrc[256];<br> int nbytes;<br> printf("enter chatserver IP address >");<br> scanf("%s",myip);<br> printf("%s\n",myip);<br> if(con.Connect(myip,7778)){<br> printf("Connection Made :-)\n");<br><br> while(key!=27 /*ESC*/){<br> if(kbhit()) {<br> key=getch();<br> //con.Send(testText,100);<br> if((key!=13) && (i<256)){<br> printf("%c",key);<br> newline=0;<br> buff=key; i++;<br> }<br> else{<br> key=0;<br> buff=NULL; i++;<br> con.Send(buff,i);<br> printf("\n");<br> i=0;<br> }<br> }<br><br> //here look for data received<br> /*<br> if(ok==1){<br> nbytes=c[0]->HasReceived();<br> if(nbytes>0){<br> c[0]->Receive(name,1);<br> buff=name[0]; i++;<br> if(name[0]==NULL){ <br> printf("%s\n",buff);<br> i=0;<br> c[0]->Receive(temp,c[0]->HasReceived());<br> }<br> }<br> <br> */<br> nbytes=con.HasReceived();<br> if(nbytes>0){<br> con.Receive(&byte,1);<br> buffrc[p]=byte;p++;<br> if(byte==NULL){<br> printf("%s\n",buffrc);<br> p=0;<br> con.Receive(temp,con.HasReceived()); //empty buffer;<br> }<br> }<br> }<br> }<br> else<br> printf("No Connection possible :-(\n");<br><br> <br> con.Disconnect();<br> printf("bye\n");<br><br> return 0;<br>}<br>βββββββββ<br>using visual c++<br>both are separate projects and in "sources", main.cpp and CConnection.cpp are added.<br><br>CConnection.cpp<br>CConnection.h from the website above which has good documentation.<br><br> </i>
with CNetworking I wrote this program
multi-user chat server
//steve dobbs is brill
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "CConnection.h"
#include "ChatServer.h"
int main(){
char key;
ChatServer chat(50,7778); //maximun of 50 clients, ;istening on port 7778
if(kbhit()) key=getch();
return 0;
#define BUFFSIZE 150
#ifndef NETCONST
#include "netconst.h"
#define NETCONST
class conDat{
void clear_rcv(){
for(int i=0;i
void clear_snd(){
for(int i=0;i
eek, its went into itallics. hopefully sense can still be made of it. i dont know how to post source code.
Use the *source* and */source* tags (replace the *''s with square braces).
August 13, 2002 12:48 AM
I do believe the original poster requested Win32 (as in windows) source, and specifically not console source as he had already done that!
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