

Started by March 30, 2000 07:21 PM
8 comments, last by Duston S. Horacek 24 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I''m looking for an accomplished programer to show me the roaps abit. I have been tinkering wit MS VC++, and MS VB, aswell as C via Linux for a few years. I have taught myself a bit, and am looking for some one to provide 1 on 1 tutoring, via the Net. Allthough I live in Phoenix Az. I will nefotiate pay with you, although I don''t have alot. I''m looking for a VC++ programer, or just a good C, C++ programer. Please E-mail or icq me. E-mail ICQ 306700
youre a demanding one
Why not just buy a book and learn yourself like everyone else in the world?

So how experianced of a person are you lokking for? I have been doing DirectX programming for almost 2 years now and have all but D3d down. I also worked with win 32, mfc, and just plain C/C++. Ill leave my ICQ number later when I get home if you want to ask me questions...

Chuckle I have. Thats my point without any one to be able to ASK questions about things when the books stump you isn''t fun.
Thats whats good about these boards -- if you get caught you can always ask. Most people on this board are familiar with all the beginner books, so they can help you out. Plus, you have the advantage of being able to hear from multiple sources .

Well, I guess what im trying to say here, is that if you dont kick your own self into gear, youll never get anything done. It seems like you want programming knowledge spoon-fed to you which is really not the way to go.

This is how I learned C/C++ (I''m still learning BTW)

I got a good book that was recommended to me by several people in the know.

And everytime I learned something new, I took out my trusty
Symantec 6.2 C/C++ compiler and made a simple program with what I had learned.
IE: When I first learned about functions, I made a simple text based RPG battle engine. I had a hell of a time debugging it, but when it was working like I wanted to, I found out I knew more about functions that I cared to know .
And when I got stumped on something, I read over everything again.

The best way to learn something is to do it yourself.
Buy a good book and take your time. Remember: just dont collect knowledge, apply it!
"End Communication!", Kang from Rigel-4
I have tinker with it for YEARS. I''m at the point now were I have a few question about certain things I haven''t been able to do. Hence asking for some 1 on 1 help. and we ALL know that there certain tricks and short cuts not in any books. I asked for no such thing as a spoon fed knowledge, as I have hundreds of dollars of books, and yes have actually read through most of them.
You should come out to the IRC channel then, where questions like the ones you may have are answered everyday, and do it in a less formal works!

if u really really need it, i can help u but believe me, posting here and coming to the IRC channel will help u alot, but its your call!
It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.

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