
Games with well developed plots

Started by August 10, 2002 12:21 AM
22 comments, last by Wicked Ewok 22 years, 6 months ago
The problem that having a fully-developed plot introduces is that the main character has to be active in that plot and not subjective to the player's mood swings. In essence, the "IMMERSION" factor, that every developer wants so badly, is thrown right out the window. This stems from the fact that the player doesn't get to control the path of conversations for most of the plot. This fact though is neither a good thing, nor a bad thing. By losing the idea of immersion, which frankly is a buzz word I haven't tried to grasp the concept of, you get the possibility of characters with mental disorders, fears, life experience, et cetera. Players bring nothing to the game besides the desire to kill.

I think it was in FF7 when Cloud was into the traditional squaresoft learning-curve classroom in Sector 7, and then starts giving out lessons to everybody else on how to play that I was most convinced that I'd rather learn about Cloud than pretend I was Cloud. Bearing that in mind you can say that I developed an "emotional attachment" to the character, which is the heart and soul of making any story work.

-> Will Bubel
-> Machine wash cold, tumble dry.

Edited for spelling errors.

[edited by - inmate2993 on August 12, 2002 7:29:20 PM]
william bubel
I think PacMan had the best story of all time. I mean talk about a classic. Theres a man, he eats stuff, and ghosts try to kill him! Beatiful storyline, Final Fantasy can''t even touch that!
good storys

Star Control 2 - Your a descendant of the Vega science mission coming back to discover earth is enslaved by the Ur-Quan. Add a whole bunch of humour and sci fi references + solid gameplay and u have a classic.

Final Fantasy II- innovative rpg for its time and much deeper story then III.

Zelda Link To The Past =-)

If first you don''t succeed, Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try! Try Again!
Baldur''s Gate
Baldur''s Gate II
Planescape Torment

I cant even remember the number of times I would stop playing only to find out I had about an hour until school started. Those days make college go by so quickly.
The Heroes Chronicles series have good tales :D
Original post by PHRICTION
Oh come on. Your being too harsh. Everything ends in a big explosion.

Death Star, the "Big Boss" at the end of every FPS, a lot of anime end that way. . .ummm. . .I can think of more if you give me some time.

Isn''t it a little sad that Deus Ex is the only game people think of when we are discussing games with good storys?

Half-Life - Nihilanth''s head opens and lighening comes out, but he doesn''t explode.
Half-Life: Opposing Forces - the huge alien goes back into the portal he came out of.
Half-Life: Blue Shift - you drive away with the other scientists.

In face, Blue Shift didn''t even end with a boss, which is different.

Half-Life has a good story. I played it before experiencing Deus Ex, and I still think so.

- saving pigs from untimely fates
- sleeps in a ham-mock at

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

I''ve grown kind of a pet peve to video game stories that fall apart near the end. Most of the newer FF games get progressively less coherant, and MSG2 was terrible about this. Even Half-life, one of my favorite games ever, suffered from a deterioration of story quatliy at the end. I think a lot of games overstep their bounds by expanding the scope near the end. I liked the story to SC, but I think BW completely ruined it.

Anyhoo, Deus Ex and FF3 are the best game stories I can think of. Oh, and the BG series was also excellent. Although I think I should point out that I consider Half life the most immersive game I''ve ever played. Right up until the part where you go to the alien world, which I thought was out of charecter for the game. The realistic situation was an integral element in making the game as immersive as it was.

I always get spaghetti-legs when confronted by a well developed psycho-story. Two examples.

FF7 where you''re tossed around Cloud''s dreams, imaginations and reality until you have no idea whatsoever of what''s real. Still you''re not lost cause you always have Sephiroth looming over you bringing forth your hate. Btw Sephiroth is by FAR my favourite bad guy. No one can ever beat him in being evil.

Sanitarium goes the same way where the main character wakes up at an asylum not nowing who,where,why,when, etc. By playing throug his scattered dreams and memories, you finally patch together the truth of why he was put there. The game is truly eerie.
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