Original post by mearrin69
But, I think that *with* the official Tolkien license it carries weight. Without it it''s just another wannabe like (ducks the flames) Warcraft (lol, like it''s not Middle Earth without a license). I would love to play an RTS based faithfully on the Tolkien universe.
If you need a heavyweight name license to carry a commercial game, then don''t bother. There are countless games that are based on a movie and vice versa. Generally speaking, they suck.
The reason is because the marketers expect the game to do well because of the name behind it. I''m not saying that there aren''t a few good ones, but if that''s your reason for wanting the Tolkien license, then you''re wasting a lot of peoples'' time, money, and delivering false hopes of a good product to the people who truly love the genre of Tolkien. I would say the same thing if it were set in the worlds of Star Wars, Star Trek, Willow, Spiderman, X-Men, etc.
If on the other hand, you''re doing it for fun and have no plans to release it as a commercial product, then be my guest. The reason I say that is because if you''re making it for fun, then you will do a better job because you like the game, you like the genre/setting, and you don''t have to answer to the marketing people. Having said that, I can''t say that you should reasonably expect to make a demo of the game and present it to the publishers of LOTR and expect them to publish it. They probably receive thousands of such demos and would prefer to work with a company who is very well established in the industry, like ID, Blizzard, Westwood, Microsoft, etc.
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