
What's with the RPG Bashing...

Started by March 30, 2000 12:37 PM
6 comments, last by SpiceOne 24 years, 5 months ago
Okay, I personally think that if people want to make an rpg, let them. I''ve seen alot of RPGs made with great graphics engines but bad storylines, but I''ve seen RPGs with the worst gameplay engines but great storylines. I personally never get tired of trying out people''s creations, it takes alot of time and devotion to finish making a game and I think people should get a nice commendation for the hard work. Maybe RPG clones aren''t original ideas, but at least people are trying their best to follow in the footsteps of great coders and maybe become great ones themselves. How many great artists started by learning other people''s techniques? How many piano players create their own music before learning alot of classical pieces. I myself try to be original with ideas (I mostly code online games) but I can''t say it''s a bad idea to mimic another game just to do it. - I kode kuz I kan!
- I kode kuz I kan!
Can you please tell us where people have been "bashing" RPG''s.
"I have realised that maths can explain everything. How it can is unimportant, I want to know why." -Me
If you are referring to the RPG Makers thread, then you missed the entire point of the original post. It''s not talking about making an RPG it''s talking about making an RPG using a pre-fab game creation kit.

If you aren''t referring to the RPG Makers thread, then pretend that this post didn''t exist.
Just felt like saying:
My DREAM is to create an RPG similiar to Secret of Mana, with the same view, but Chrono Trigger-esque storyline. Pretty spiffy, eh? eh??

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Fredric, I''m writing a program similar to what you are decribing (Had something like that using DirectDraw, but switching over to Direct3D and OpenGL for alpha and other cool effects). But at the current time, I''m just learning the basics (although I have the math background, it''s still new trying to learn the basics). If you are ever interested in the future (talking about maybe six or more months) with something like that, I could help you out in the programming/art department (not great, but decent), as I tend to lack creativity and music skills.
Hehe, that''d be great! 6 Months is ample time, as I need to refine my C++ skills a touch, and learn OpenGL! What''s your e-mail so I can contact you later on and see how it''s all coming? I have ICQ too, if you want that number as well.

ICQ#: 44138716
my E-mail:

Our game is gonna be cool...

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!


You can always find users details from each post, but filter out my email from anyone I don''t know (to prevent all the junk email).

Like I said, it will be several months until I''m ready (trying to finish up an OpenGL and DirectX engine at the same time. Yes, I realize it''s been done, D3DX is out, etc, but it''s basically just for learning).
Well, for you guys who are coding the secret of Mana style, I already have a huge tile engine, sprite engine and a ton of game mechanics coded into a secret of mana style engine. It''s one of my original projects, I planned on putting everything I wanted to see in an RPG into it, including multiplay over TCP/IP (which I have skills with and more).
- I kode kuz I kan!

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