
I need a 3D Engine, PLEASE!

Started by August 03, 2002 06:07 AM
4 comments, last by NaphtaliMoore 22 years, 7 months ago
Are there any GOOD, precanned, FREE 3d engines I can use? I have a great idea for a game, but don''t wanna spend for ever getting the 3d stuff right just to develope the game.

I couldn''t fully translate your message but I take it that you can''t be bothered learning DIRECT3D. If you want a nice easy 3D engine which is ready prepared I recommend using DARKBASIC (you can get a free trial from the site which is almost complete anyway). I have used it for about 6 months and only started more general languages like JAVA and C++ fairly recently.
crystal space (use google)
You realise that making a game is hard work of course.

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3D Engines List
Well done Origin.

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